Search Results for: chakra

Change Your Daughter’s Life Today!

I am pushing back the chakra series one week because today is Labor Day!!! As promised, I’m giving away 5 copies of my “Goddess Delivers” Giclee Art in honor of what Labor Day means to me and women around the globe. Because Labor Day isn’t just a day to rest and recover from long hours on the job… it’s a chance to turn around society’s concept of what “birth” is and a chance to change how your own daughter grows up and anticipates the birth process.   I was watching Good Luck Charlie the other evening with my daughter on […]

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How Your Digestion is Linked To Your Emotions

Everybody already knows this… that digestion and emotions are directly linked. You know that sudden feeling when you are scared and you become instantly nauseous? As a mom I got that feeling all the time when my kids were younger and I lost sight of them for a moment in a public place. It’s a horrendous feeling… it doesn’t matter how hungry you were or how long since your last meal — in life-or-death situations, hunger immediately evaporates and the rest of your senses are heightened (heart pounding and ears and eyes on maximum alert) and you scan the crowd

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Creativity = Health

In honor of the second chakra this week, I am sharing with you an article I once wrote for a feature on Art Snark’s blog many years ago. I still love it and it holds true! How The Simple Act Of Creating Must Create Physical Health I took the scenic route in becoming an artist. The really looooong way around. The kind of path that took me through medical school, residency, and a bit of clinical practice as a physician before I had children and realized my heartsong was to be a mommy and an artist. That kind of long

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Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This…

As you know, I truly enjoy reporting positive and healing medical information for you, dear reader. And that is the plan for the next 7 weeks, as I walk you through your Chakras from a medical point of view and give you great ideas for supporting your inner healing. But today… I’m sitting here with a knot in my stomach and here’s why. Please consider helping me spread this news: There was a study recently published in Pediatrics (on July 2, 2012) looking at spanking and other forms of physical punishment. As makes common sense, there have been many many

Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This… Read More »

Medicine vs. Intuition…. Either/Or?

This arrived along with our usual jumble of medical journals and publications, and I was so excited: Intuition made the front cover!?!? How awesome is this! I opened it up, not caring if it were going to be a positive review of intuition in medicine or a negative one, just so glad there were going to be addressing the role of intuition in patient care at all!   Well, that was the error in my thinking, I suppose. It wasn’t a review of the role of intuition in patient care. It was completely and utterly about how using ICD coding

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Earthing and Weight Loss… appear in The Grounded movie with me!

  For my local peeps… let’s hang out in person on June 14th and I’ll explain an exciting new study I’m conducting that I want you to be a part of! Effortless weight loss. No diet. No exercise. Just plug into the soothing awesome power of the earth and let Mother Earth reset your weight. If you have between 15 to 30 lbs to lose, come find out more at my informational meeting in Mount Pleasant on June 14th at 6PM.   I’ll be explaining my new study, which looks at the connection between the earth and weight: how connecting

Earthing and Weight Loss… appear in The Grounded movie with me! Read More »

Thoughts On Health: My Aura, Your Aura, Our Aura… it’s a colorful world out there!!!!

I had the great fortune of having my aura photographed recently, and I loved the experience so much I wanted to share it with you here. If you live anywhere in the Charleston area, I’ve got the perfect activity for you to check out. A very dear friend of mine took me to see Chris Terzagian, of Beaming Love. Chris can photograph your aura and give you the run down on what the colors represent, the strength of your aura, and a printout of all the different components captured in your aura at that particular time.   It’s a really

Thoughts On Health: My Aura, Your Aura, Our Aura… it’s a colorful world out there!!!! Read More »

Thoughts On Health… Practicing what I preach

Hi my friends. Remember this video in which I discuss why symptoms and health challenges represent healing? I deeply believe this and had an opportunity to really practice what I preach recently, and I want to share that with you today.   For years and years I’ve struggled with my left tonsil getting chronically infected. Knowing that this was caused by an energy block in my throat chakra, I was excited to see what I could do to facilitate healing. I knew in my heart that when I healed this wound, I would be open and more free and

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Thoughts on Health… A Poem That Wrote Itself

a close up on my All Is Well original painting Welcome back from the holidays!!!! This Monday I was planning on doing a FAQ about Homeschooling… until I woke up this morning with a poem half out of my head and the other half wiggling out. I didn’t want to forget a word of it, so I grabbed a dull pencil from my nightstand and wrote the words down in the margins of the closest book I could find. I’m walking a very raw path right now… transforming and still in the creative process of merging my old life (analytical,

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