heart attack

This All Natural Sweetener Has Been Found To Increase Heart Attack Risk

    Today I want to share a medical study that was just published in the European Heart Journal last month (June 2024) that suggests even natural sweeteners may not be that great for us.   All Natural Sugar: Xylitol   In this study, researchers found that increased concentrations of the all natural sweetener xylitol in the blood was significantly associated with increase incidents of major cardiovascular events, including heart attack and stroke.  In fact, they found that xylitol affected platelet response and increased clot formation after a single drink of a xylitol sweetened beverage. It didn’t take much to […]

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5 Important Ways To Feel Loved And Boost Your Heart’s Health This Week

    It’s Valentines Day this week, and regardless of if you spend it with a person you love, a pet you love, doing an activity you love or giving yourself much needed break and some healing alone time on Valentines, any and all of these things can benefit your heart function, so it’s a great time for my annual review on all the ways you can support your heart’s health. I’ve got you covered on how to boost your heart health from every single angle!  Physically, energetically, emotionally. Let’s go:     1.  A Heart Boost From Grounding To

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Valentine’s Day Special Edition: Heart Health From Every Angle… Mind, Body & Soul

  Our minds and our hearts are inextricably intertwined. Mostly we can feel this on an emotional level — we can literally feel the people we love making our hearts feel warm and protected and expand in our chest. And sadly even people we are hurt by or scared of, we can feel that too — our hearts can feel colder or constricted or pound with fear in our chests. Some of you are also aware that electrically — the brain and the heart each have an electrical field and that these electrical fields overlap. This gives our brain’s electrical

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How Grounding Helps Protect Your Cardiac Function For A Lifetime

      Last week I wrote an article for you outlining how stress and trauma increases your risk for heart disease, but that this increased risk was reversible. This week, let me give you one of the best tools I know for supporting heart health — that is through grounding. Our hearts emit the strongest electromagnetic field of our entire body… thousands of times stronger than the electromagnetic field of our brains! The human heart’s electromagnetic field is measured at about 100,000 times stronger electrically (and 5,000 times stronger magnetically) than the human brain. This electomagnetic frequency that pulses

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Heart Disease In Women As A Response To Trauma

  Today I have a very interesting new study to share with you, published just this year on March 17, 2021 in JAMA Cardiology. Most studies on heart disease focus on the male population, so this one really caught my eye — specifically focusing on the link between heart disease in women with a history of trauma. Looking at almost 400,000 women, researchers identified women diagnosed with PTSD and matched them to age and cardiovascular risk correlated female controls with no history of PTSD. They then looked at ischemic heart disease outcomes, including new onset coronary artery disease, angina or

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Background Noise Costs You More Than Just Your Peace & Quiet

        Chronic background noise doesn’t just irritate you… it actually impacts your long term health. By more than you think! Chronic levels of noise found frequently in modern society have been shown to significantly increase your risk of heart attack, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, even atrial fibrillation. Not to mention upping your risk for insomnia, a huge health crisis in-and-of itself! And it doesn’t stop there. Not only is chronic noise increasing your blood pressure, increasing inflammation in your arteries leading to heart attack and stroke, but it’s also increasing your risk of metabolic diseases and

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Trying To Shed Your Quarantine Weight Gain? 8 Unusual Tips That Will Ensure Success

      Most people have gained a bit of weight as a result of social distancing for the past month or two. With gyms, YMCAs, and most indoor exercise facilities shut down, and even outdoor public spaces like hiking trails, bike paths, beaches, pools, and more shut down, it’s likely that your activity level decreased and your weight increased. It’s okay. Me too. But not only is it actually a good idea to gain a few pounds during a pandemic (see #3 on the list below if you need proof) I’ve got a fantastic list of actionable tips taken

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