
The earth below

    Nothing soothes the mid-winter blahs like delighting in Baker’s Creek heirloom seed catalog, planning a spring garden that is just around the corner (or so I keep wanting to believe!) The earth awaits, my friends! Thanks to saving seeds from last years crop (tutorial here) I had all our standard seeds stored and ready for use for free this year, which left me some extra wiggle room to expand our garden and try out some fun new crops I’ve never tried before. I might have gone a little overboard, but I just can’t wait to get started. In […]

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Firestarter Tutorial

Temps are dipping into the cold near-freezing numbers at night here in SC, and instead of turning on my heat, we’ve been having lovely evening fires to heat the house. So that means, starting a fire.  Which can sometimes be frustrating, but not so when you have a fabbo, eco-friendly, completely free, made from stuff lying around your home fire starter on hand!   I originally published this tutorial last May, and I’ve been using my firestarters like crazy.  So I thought this would be the perfect time to re-post… enjoy!!! xoxo, Laura     Ready to get started? Here

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Saving Seeds, a tutorial (i.e. the perks of lazy gardening)

  All this heat is causing my plants to bolt early!  Here, you can see my basil has started shooting up flower/seed heads…   I’m really excited about this tutorial. And the reason I’m excited is because I’m going to be trying it for the first time myself, along with anyone out there who wants to try it with me! Okay, so I admit that this topic is only an issue because of my sub-par gardening skills.  That and the extreme heat/drought that we are experiencing in this part of SC.  All of my (admittedly unattended) garden crops are bolting…

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