The Best Way To Reduce Health Anxiety

Thank you for clicking over to watch this ultra-quick video answering

a question I get asked all the time:

“Do you ever get sick?”


Just click the video below and find out my resounding answer and why I’m happy to tell you about it!


My goal is to decrease your health anxiety so that you can heal more easily and find power in your healing.

So I wanted to be sure to let you know that the Health Flow Unleash eCourse (that I reference in the video) is starting again on March 18th and it will be the last time I run this course until the end of the year.


I wanted to let you know because last time my course sold out in less then one hour and I had to turn away so many kind folks who wanted to take it that I decided to run this encore class in March.


I absolutely do not have space in my schedule to run another encore course again or at any other time in the next 6 months… so please do me a favor if you want to take the course and sign up today.

You know it hurts me to have to turn away people once the course is full… so join in right now while there are still 8 seats left!


For more info on the class and to reserve your spot click here and I’ll get you taken care of!


xoxo, Laura

Laura Koniver, MD

The Intuition Physician