OK, — let’s uplevel naturally right into Step 3!
Remember, it’s perfectly right to spend as much extra time as you need at each step… nurturing your body, or releasing old baggage. There is no one step that is any better then the other.
The key is simply to understand the flow so that instead of being depressed or anxious at going through the loop of it, we understand that it is a natural, beautiful aligning that is always happening to lift us up in our highest healing potential at any given moment.
Sometimes it’s a beautiful thing to allow the healing potential of Step 1: Nurturing the Body to be our focus. Sometimes it’s an important thing to allow the healing potential of Step 2: Releasing Old Emotions to be our focus. And sometimes… sometimes we flow effortlessly into Step 3… Opening To Joy.
How do you stay open when there is no joy on the horizon, or you aren’t quite feeling your best? I’ll tell you how right now:
xoxo, Laura
Be sure to print out your FREE Healing Vortex Poster — Step 3 and hang it where you will see it every single morning. Stand in gratitude, my friends!
Next week I’ll be back here upleveling with you to Step 4!
xoxo, Laura