The earth provides such a beautiful platform for us to have a human experience on.
Every connection we made, every friend or lover we’ve ever met, every second we’ve ever spent in pursuit of our life’s purpose, every breath we’ve ever taken and every heartbeat we’ve ever had has happened here, on this planet, with it silently beneath our feet supporting life.
The earth makes the atmosphere for those beautiful deep breaths of fresh air you can take each day.
The earth flows the water that can deeply hydrate your body each day.
The earth grows the food that you juice and the herbs that you take and the nutritional building blocks your body depends on daily.
Those are all powerful and wonderful indirect ways to support your well being…. but the most powerful way of all to enhance your health is to touch the earth directly, grounding your body.
When we are grounded, the earth supports our health electrically, through the natural DC energy that powers the universe. That DC energy is what allows your body to function. It’s what enables your muscles to move and your heart to beat and your brain to think.

And it’s not just your heart, mind and muscles… actually your entire body relies on DC energy impulses to function. Food can not be digested, air can not be breathed, you couldn’t swallow or even blink without first an electrical impulse conducted through the electrical circuitry of our bodies.
So it doesn’t matter what food we eat unless our GI tract is first innervated and activated properly!
It doesn’t matter about air quality if we can’t first innervate and activate our breathing mechanism!
Even that pure beautiful air or crystal clear water can not be taken into the body if first an electrical impulse does not conductively activate the body to breathe in or swallow down.
Our whole body is electrical and relies on good conductivity to work.
As a physician I have seen patients in the ICU hooked up to breathing tubes and feeding tubes and if the body is dying, it doesn’t matter if the air is the purist in the world and the water is the finest in the world and the food is the most alive, active, freshly pressed juice in the world.
If the electrical body is not working, none of these parameters matter.
We have to electrically activate the body, which is what defibrillator paddles are trying to do in resuscitating the heart of the body that is dying, and what a ventilator is taking over for when it tries to breathe for a body that is not breathing on it’s own.
Above all, we have to establish and maintain the healthy conductivity of our body.
Our body has to maintain a healthy electrical circuitry in order to remain conscious and have all of our body organs function effectively.
So to protect our body for a lifetime, we need to nurture the healthy conductivity of our body first and foremost, before turning our eye to the air and water and food quality that enhance our well being.
Touching the earth immediately impacts and supports the conductivity of the entire body — supporting the healthy function of our heart, our circulatory system, our brain, our bone metabolism, our thyroid function, our adrenal function, our skin conductance — our entire body from head to toe.
Fifty, one hundred, two hundred years ago we were more likely to spend time walking directly on the earth, or be working directly in the earth, and — going back thousands of years further — sleeping directly on the ground.
But now, we have rubber shoes, cars to travel in, insulated flooring in our home, asphalt coating our roadways, high rises filled with smart meters to live in.
And life is so stressful, more fast paced and competitive and technologically advanced than ever before. We are surrounded by more financial stress, technological manmade e-smog (EMFs) and artificial foods than previously imaginable. Stress, higher cortisol, joint pain, dementia, cancer, age related changes — these are all a fall out from a life long inflammatory condition of a lifetime of living disconnected to the earth.
So we better find a way to be absolutely certain we intentionally seek this connection, routinely. There is no better day to spend 15 minutes doing exactly that than on Earth Day.
And know too, that grounding goes way beyond the electrical connection of simply touching the earth. Grounding our body gives us a deeper support that has a spiritual aspect.
I believe we are only understanding the very tip of the iceberg when we focus on grounding as being a DC electrical connection. What I’ve seen over and over again as a physician working with grounding for over 20 years now, is that grounding supports our body and our soul energy.
When plants are grounded, they grow two and three times as tall, bloom more, and the blossoms last longer. When humans are grounded, we don’t grow two and three times as tall… instead we feel two and three times more vibrant and healthy and energetic as we do when we are ungrounded.
While the plant world expresses grounded support by vibrant growth, we express grounded support by vibrant health!
Grounding is the only modality that I know of that combines the fullest extent of physical support with the fullest extent of energetic healing. Nothing else can quite come close to this full state of well being.
No vitamin you take in the morning, that your body will digest that day and try to deliver through your intestines to help nutritionally support your body, will do everything grounding can do.
No amount of sleep you can get the night before to help repair your body to meet the demands of the next day, will do everything grounding can do.
No amount of spiritual support through energy healing modalities such as deep breathing or meditation can support the fullest extent of the physical body the way grounding can.
No modality does both the physical and the energetic work that grounding does, simultaneously. Nothing quite allows you to become the pure positive vessel of Well Being the way grounding does.
So while the medical studies show you why grounding is so healing for the human body, I want you to know that it’s not just your physical body that is being supported. It’s your mind frame, your soul energy, your Spirit.
Just as we have now shown that being disconnected causes everything from depression to inflammation to accelerated aging (collectively now called Nature Deficit Disorder) the re-establishment of grounding your body to support your health will have ramifications that go well beyond any single parameter or indicator of physical health.
You feel better.
You feel supported.
You feel creative.
You feel inspired.
You feel stronger.
You feel more motivated.
You feel more loving.
You feel more loved.
You become open to your soul energy flowing deeply, and meeting your body at it’s core, deep in your heart center.
When you are in that specific union — of your unique physical body that nobody else has, combined with your unique soul energy that nobody else has, coming together and being totally supported by the healing energy flow of the earth… that is your optimal state of Well Being.
You can offer twice as much of yourself to the world when you feel your well being optimized the way a plant would grow twice as tall because it is grounded and supported by the earth’s energy.
And that’s really the whole point of being alive. So that you can offer to the world what you are here to offer. And you can live the unique meaningful life that you are meant to live.
You can go out and radiate twice as much creativity, twice as much goodness, twice as much connection with others, twice as much love to offer, and make twice the impact on this world… and more.
So ultimately, grounding is not just about your cardiac function or your hormonal balance or your sleep quality or your bone strength. Grounding is about finding a center that is so deep and so pure and so strong that you can truly be the best you possible.
Optimizing all of these other things… cardiac function, sleep, hormones, adrenals, bones, thyroid, insulin, etc… so that just like the plants in the grounding study that grow twice as tall when they are grounded, you can feel twice as vibrant, and twice as open to why you are here and what do you want to express while you are here in this lifetime.
That is what I have witnessed and experienced over and over and over again both personally and as a medical physician with my patients.
Most people start their grounding journey because they need an answer that offers more support than any one single medication or diet or vitamin or exercise can offer. Many people have found that conventional medicine has not been sufficient to correct the physical ailments the disconnect from the earth has caused. And most people find that when they reconnect, it’s not just the physical ailments that improve. The energy level and the mind-frame and the sense of meaningful purpose and the heart that heals as well.
So my goal is to be sure you do not limit your expectations in any way when you begin your grounding journey.
Allow your entire body, mind, heart and spirit to be transformed.
Allow the supportive energy of Mother Earth to fill you up, open you up, support you in becoming the optimized best version of you that is possible.
The future for grounding is limitless as connecting directly to the earth outside is the birthright of all living things. There are very very few circumstances where one would not be able to connect outside and receive that healing flow if only we would remember that it is natural for us to do so.
Even urban dwellers can get connected by standing barefoot in a park or on a concrete sidewalk. Even prisoners in most prisons have access to the outdoors, even if it is concrete, for at least a short period of time each day.
I have patients who live several stories off of the ground who hold onto a tree branch that reaches into their balcony and this is how they ground each afternoon.
I have patients who have a cement basement and stand barefoot on this cement while they fold laundry, and this is how they ground each night.
And for those who have mobility limitations, even bed ridden, there are indoor ways to connect directly to the earth while sitting or lying comfortably indoors.
You can actually be grounded indoors while at work, while home watching TV or reading a book, while spending quality time with your loved ones.
The absolutely easiest way to optimize the amount of time you are grounded in a 24 hour period is to start by sleeping grounded all night long. There are a huge amount of medical grade, high quality, eco-ethically hand crafted indoor grounding tools waiting for you to explore right over here:
Taking action, trying it for yourself, taking a few minutes to put a bare foot onto the earth outside, taking the time to ground indoors as much as possible with indoor grounding tools, can do more to inform you about the healing potential of grounding your body than any amount of words I can write.
Luckily, grounding is the easiest, most readily available healing modality possible.
The only thing you need to do is give it a try, and allow the earth’s energy to uplift, transform and optimize your well being naturally.
Heck if you are not going to get grounded on Earth Day, are you ever going to get grounded?
You need to.
Do it on today — do it every day this week if you can — and feel the difference. The earth is out there, waiting for you.
Need more inspiration?
Here are 5 Earth Day Ideas for you:
Idea #1: Take a fun Grounding Quiz
How Much Do You Really Know About Grounding (Quiz)
Find out how much you really know about grounding. Grounding newbie? Grounding expert? Let’s find out, right here! I created this fun and informative quiz for you and it only takes a few minutes.
Share it with others and see which one of you knew the most about this phenomenal healing modality of grounding.
Idea #2: Make Earth Day into a Personal Healing Retreat
This is me, taking a few moments to release a tension headache. However you are feeling right now, whether it is anxious, sad, frustrated, annoyed, tense, overwhelmed, bored, tired… the earth is waiting to give you a boost.
You can use the healing power of connecting directly to the Earth today and actually finish the day feeling better than you did when the day started.
Some days within 1 second of touching the earth I can feel the relief washing over me. My headache soaks down into the grass or my shoulder tension melts away while I sit on a rock or my nausea vanishes while stand on a sidewalk or whatever stress I am holding onto that day subsides as I lean against a tree.
When you are out of contact with the earth your body feels the build up of inflammation and free radical damage and feels stressed out and out of sorts. When you come back in contact with the earth your body feels intense relief — and there is no better day to gift that to yourself than on Earth Day.
- So start the day with a cup of tea or coffee standing outside watching the sunrise.
- Or end the day looking up at the moon and stars for a minute before heading up to bed.
- Take a midday break and do some stretches outside — a few neck rolls would feel amazing.
- Stand on a sidewalk, or brick, or cement — it will all ground you.
- Or simply find a leaf on a tree to touch and take three deep breaths. It will ground you too.
Idea #3: Host An Earth Day Movie Night
Pop some popcorn and click play… and share these film recommendations with the people that you love!
A list of free grounding movies you can watch:
1. What is Grounding:
Watch this free 11 minute video I created to introduce folks to grounding — it’s the perfect starting point:
2. The Grounded:
Watch The Grounded full length movie for free on You Tube right here or order the DVD right here:
3. Heal For Free:
Watch the Heal For Free full length movie for free on YouTube right here:
4. The Earthing Movie:
Watch The Earthing Movie for free on You Tube right here:
5. Grounding Keynote Presentation:
Watch a 30 minute Keynote Presentation on Grounding for free right here, in which I give an overview of the medical literature on the power of grounding to improve our health:
Idea #4: Get Outside and Go Heart Spotting!
I love hearts, as you can tell by the fact that I choose a heart to be my business logo!
All of my life I’ve delighted in finding hearts in nature while I’ve been out and about… nature is sending us love notes every single day, the trick is to notice them.
Today, take your phone or camera and walk around your neighborhood, grabbing pics of any hearts you find.
I love finding hearts in nature, here are some of my favorite pictures I’ve taken of heart I’ve found along the way:
Idea #5: Read My Grounding Book
If you are not sure how to get grounded when the weather gets extreme, when the seasons change, how long you should ground for, or how to use grounding for specific health results, I wrote this book for you.
I’ve got answers that will get you grounding in no time.
If you are curious about grounding but not sure what to do once you get outside, if you live in a city and don’t have any access to a safe greenspace, if you are not sure what earth surfaces will actually ground you, then oh my goodness I wrote this book for you.
If you want to know how the practice of grounding, one person at a time, on minute at a time, can help save our planet and put it on a different trajectory than the destructive path we’ve put it on, than I wrote this book for you.
It’s called: The Earth Prescription and I have signed copies waiting for you here, or you can:
- Order On Amazon (available on kindle and as an audio book too!)
- Order On Barnes & Noble
- Order On Indiebound
- Order Signed Copies On My Website Here
Happy Earth Day my friends!!!
Get out there and go feel better… doctor’s orders.
xoxoxo, Laura Koniver MD