I have so many great pictures to share with you from our second filming session in The Grounded that I need to split them up into two blog posts!
To see pics from my first adventure with the movie, take a look at them here — where I interview moon-walking astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Charlie Duke on the beaches of FL, and bring the movie director Steve Kroschel back to my private home for more filming.
I loved this second film shoot just as much… maybe more!
Because I got to spend three entire, magical days meeting like-minded specialists and amazing peeps who are coming together from all over the world to send this life changing and body healing message to the world.
(More on that in Wednesday’s blog post.)
The first day director Steve Kroschel shot pics of my family grounding at our local beach in lovely Kiawah, SC… and I have some of those pics for you right here, right now:
Steve filming my hubby and son playing in the sand while my daughter runs by…
… the day was so sunny and absolutely perfect for a mid-October day on the beach!
I love this candid shot of Steve — you can see his shining, confident, gorgeous soul energy just beaming out!
Close ups of my feet grounding as I walk into the ocean waves…
… and Steve listening to the playback as we drove on for more adventures that included a fresh farmers market,
some shots in my own home, a secret science experiment and more!
Miles capping off the shoot at the beach with fresh watermelon… probably my favorite shot of the day!
That’s enough of a sneak peek for one day… lots of other action and commentary captured that day but you’ll have to wait for the movie to get your first hand glimpse!
The second day focused on interviewing my Earthing and Weight Loss study patients.
They did amazing and brought me to tears several times!
Unfortunately I have no still shots from that day to share, as I forgot my camera… so you’ll just have to stay posted for the movie release to see why I was so touched by their stories and I promise to keep you as up to date about it as possible.
The third day was magical and I will share those with you on the blog on Wed… so meet me back here later on in the week!
xoxo, Laura
PS — are you getting excited about earthing?
Have you enjoyed my free Earthing Idea Guide — instantly available by entering your email in the top right side bar?
I’ve got great news — the world’s first Earthing children’s book is almost available!
I’ll keep you posted when it releases within the month of November, just in time for positive, healthy, healing and vibrant holiday gifts for the sweet children in your life!