Dramatically Reduce Skin Cancer With This ONE Supplement

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Clear evidence that a vitamin can be cancer preventive:

Vitamin B3 dramatically reduces skin cancer rates.



Presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2015 Annual Meeting in May 2014, Vitamin B3 has been shown to be a safe, effective way to reduce your risk of recurrent skin cancer.

Skin cancer facts:


  • In the United States, about 5 million people each year are diagnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer.
  • Skin cancer is the most common cancer world wide as well as a high rate of cancer recurrence
  • Simply taking 500 mgs of Vit B3 (also known as nicotinamide) twice a day can reduce your risk significantly!


Study Results:


  • Researchers looked at over 380 patients with a prior history of non-melanoma skin cancers, giving half nicotinamide supplements and half a placebo, and followed them for a year.
  • During the year-long study, the patients in the Vitamin B group had a quarter less skin cancers total (a 23% decrease) than control patients.
  • Basal cell occurrence decreased by 20%
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma decreased by 30%
  • Actinic Keratosis decreased by 13%
  • Vitamin B3 only works if you keep taking it: if participants stopped taking nicotinamide, skin cancer levels returned to the same occurrence levels as the control group within 6 months.

How does it work?


Nicotinamide enhances DNA repair in skin cells damaged by UV light, as well as boosts the immune system and prevents the suppression of immunity by ultraviolet radiation.

(Nicotinamide has other benefits as well, including preliminary studies showing a boost in cognition… helping to restore cognition in Alzheimers!)



… if you have a history of serious sun exposure?

Or a history of previous skin cancers?

Or you tend to expose your skin to sunlight without covering up with a rashguard or using physical sunblocks?

Or you just want less unsightly actinic keretosis popping up in the future?

Vitamin B 3 offers 100% all natural holistic chemo-prevention!

Vitamin B is safe, inexpensive, proven.

Well tolerated, and works as for long as you are taking it.


My *favorite* Vitamin B 3 supplement?

This timed release once daily Vit B3 from Source Naturals.


Want more skin care tips?





OR simply read my Skin Happiness eBook right here, right now!

Happy summer, friends!!!

Xoxo, Laura