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Have you picked up your spring issue of First for Women?

I am so happily surprised that such a mainstream article carried my earthing recommendation in the March issue!


Under the article “Headache Remedies Doctors Swear By,” I am quoted in the first recommendation.

In it, I recommend contacting the earth with your barefeet for 10 minutes to reduce or allieviate headaches.

Woot! Woot!





I’m just thrilled this holistic advice had the chance to reach millions of folks who might not otherwise be seeking out alternative ideas.

Yay to the power of a cheap mag in a grocery store check out aisle, and to all the bored folks standing in line waiting to be rung up who might flip through and catch it!


Want more info on earthing? Check out this video I made last fall…


In other news, I know it is not officially spring until next week but in the Koniver household, SUMMER HAS ALREADY ARRIVED!!!!




We moved my husband into his new office on Wed and spontaneously hit the beach to celebrate afterwards. No bathing suits, the plan was to dip our toes in and do that earthing I’m ever so fond of.





Yeah, that “dipping the toes in” thing didn’t last long.
Happy summer to all you peeps out there who adore the reawakening of the earth after a long dark winter… it’s begun, I tell you.

Next week I have an awesome line up for you to celebrate spring, have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here soon!

xoxo, Laura