Feel Beautiful in One Minute Flat… Guaranteed (video)

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There is no way better to welcome in a

new year than feeling absolutely

BEE-YOU-TE-FUL inside and out.



Your soul shine is absolutely gorgeous, and the more you let it shine, the more the entire world benefits.

But in order to really let your soul shine fully radiate out from you in all directions, and to reach all the people each day your soul is meant to reach… you have to feel good about yourself.


That’s where today’s video comes in.


This tip today will have you really understanding just how physically vibrantly fully GORGEOUS you are — not just inside your soul (of course you are already beautiful there!) but honey — your face and your bod is damn gorgeous too.

You just don’t know it.


There’s no way you really CAN fully know what a hottie you are!

But today I’m going to give you a simple fun technique that will prove to you without a doubt…




Here’s the proof:

An Easy Way To Feel More Beautiful


xoxox, Laura

P.S. — want two more resources to feel your most beautiful as 2015 rings in?


Let’s align the physical beauty of your body with the inherent energetic beauty of your soul.

I have two quick reads for you that will help you do just that:

My Skin Happiness book



My Female Health and Empowerment book


I’ve newly updated my Female Empowerment book for 2015…

…now it is 180 pages long and filled with all kinds of ways to let your energy SHINE!!!!

I cover everything:

  • fatigue
  • mood swings
  • acne
  • cramps
  • food cravings
  • bone health for life
  • hormone balancing remedies
  • dealing naturally with bloating
  • organic solutions to dealing with menstrual flow
  • sex into menopause and beyond
  • using menstruation as a time to access creativity
  • using menopause as a time to step into authentic power
  • developing a purpose driven future
  • and much, much more!


I truly hope both resources help you feel fully fabulous, inside and out, like the precious amazing beautiful gift to the world that you actually are — you are definitely more valuable and necessary to this world than you know.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to YOU!