Goddess at High Tide

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Goddess at High Tide

11 x 14 inch gallery wrapped canvas with finished sides

Available as Giclee prints as well as the original canvas

The second in my new Goddess series, this has become one of my two ultimate favorite paintings I’ve ever painted. My other favorite is Nighttime Reunion… that one just rolled off my brush.

This one… not so much.

This painting was a labor of love. It took about three times longer to paint then I had anticipated… I got an immediate vision and knew exactly what I wanted to paint… yet actually painting it was a painstaking process that took many many layers and many many days.

It was exactly perfect, exactly what I needed. Loving the process, even though it wasn’t a simple one… was just the lesson I needed to learn at just the right time.

So this painting tells a story… my story. Let me tell it to you… here we go!

Once, there was a woman.

Feeling overwhelmed one day… the tide rushing in… she scrambled up to the highest peak of land she could find and watched the water surround her.

Waves upon waves crashing in… huge walls of water surrounding her from all sides.

As times of crisis often do, these tidal waves brought the woman down to her knees. Reminded her that she wasn’t in control, that she was part of a larger picture… that she was a spiritual vessel and she needed help from a higher dimension.

Lifting her face in prayer, she felt the gentle, strong, steady wind of a fleet of angels immediately swoop in to answer her.

Have you ever felt like this this goddess?

Have you ever felt about to surrender to the tide of life?

Has this surrender actually been part of a larger plan, one that lifted you in grace?

I’ve found that there is never a shortage of Divine Guidance just when I need it most. Source Energy abounds all around.

I might feel stranded on an island, no other land in sight… but I’m absolutely never alone.

I just need to remember to ask.

This painting reminds me… both with it’s visual motion of the ocean waves and the fleet of angels swiftly speeding towards the island… and with it’s gorgeous hues of yellows, apricot, turquoise and aqua… that love is all around. xoxo