my son, the trail blazer
We went up to Virginia to meet up with my parents and do a good deal of hiking in the Shenandoah National Park! It was fabulous!
We packed in 4 different trails and the Luray Caverns too!
We had a great time… and I felt surrounded by love.
Lots of evidence of that too, along the way. I kept my eyes open and picked up a few little heart stones from each trail… they were easy to find. A few were too big to keep but I snapped some pics so that I could share them with you here.
Thanks for coming along the trail! xoxo
my first heart stone of the trip
my daughter found this heart embedded right in the path
countless hearts in the leaves all around
my collection, on the windowsill of our cabin
and I had to put this picture in too, because we were so excited to spot our first black bear on the very last morning!
PS — come back next week, I have another Monday Thoughts On Health, a Wednesday shop announcement, and on Friday… a super cool tutorial for your garden that I’m really excited to test out and share with you next week. See you then!