There are so many different treatments, techniques, supplements, prescriptions, operations, adjustments, therapies and countless other modalities that all help treat disease. In fact, there are so many options, it can be overwhelming.
So how do you know which one to choose?
Sometimes surgery is the right choice. Certainly the world is full of people who are alive and owe their recovery to a surgical, life saving intervention. I am one of them, as I ignored the pain of appendicitis for so long that it ruptured, causing a massive inflammatory reaction throughout my entire abdomen, and the surgeon who saved my life said I was about 2 hours from being dead.
Sometimes a prescription is the right choice. Certainly there are millions of people who depend on insulin or IV antibiotics or anti-seizure medications that have helped them live a normal lifespan. I have prescribed plenty of prescriptions and used prescriptions myself, so this path, while being conventional, can be life saving.
Sometimes a chiropractic adjustment is the right choice. I have a dear friend who credits chiropractic care to her regaining mobility and function in her spine. Sometimes energy medicine, acupuncture, meditation, physical therapy, yoga, even sometimes doing nothing is the right choice. We all know people who have had their entire lives transformed anew from finding that one healing modality that just works perfectly for them.
But when faced with a health crisis, when you first going completely into the unknown… how do you know what modality to choose? If there are so many options, and you google them and get overwhelmed, or find that one could just as easily harm you as heal you… what do you choose?
Today I want to help you *feel* your way through making your next important health decision.
Because there is no one way to heal.
There is no one diet.
There is no one solution or Rx.
There is no one therapy.
You can eat something perfectly healthy and innocent like a blueberry, and for one person this is anti-cancer and the best thing in the world to eat, and for another with an underlying food sensitivity to blueberries, this is going to be inflammatory to their body.
One person can feel sick from EMF exposure and another can waltz through NYC’s Times Square like it is an oasis!
Some folks can align with probiotics to treat anxiety, and some align better with acupuncture and some align better with a Rx strength anxiolytic.
And no one is wrong! There is only aligning with health. That’s it. There isn’t any one way to do it. It’s just… is this taking me one step closer to Well being, or is it not?
So you need to feel your way there. Am I stepping closer, am I not.
There is no “one size fits all” solution. As much as any health care practitioner or therapist or physician or nutritionist or specialist wants to support you and offer you solutions, it’s up to you to choose the solution that feels right to YOU.
That’s why there are a million success stories and a million failures to any one modality. It’s not really up to the modality… it’s up to you and how you align with that particular solution. Nobody knows how it feels to align with a particular path other than YOU. And you can discover that alignment through your intuition. Your body is always speaking to you, and today I want you to take just a minute to truly listen to it.
Every single one of us gets a constant stream of information coming to us from a deep, internally knowing of what is best for us in any moment of time. Call it a gut knowing, call it a hunch, call it a felt sense, call it your inner truth, call it your intuition… whatever you call it, you can learn how to drop your awareness out of your scattered overwhelming mind and drop into a deeper awareness that resides in your body.
Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, and all we need to do is listen. I meet so many people who don’t feel that they are getting any type of guidance from their body, but they are…. we all are. Today I’m going to help you figure out where in your body you get your information and help you figure out how to use that information to navigate decision making, so that the decisions you make are in deep alignment with you. Not just aligning with your mental thoughts, on a mind level, but on a deeply rooted mind, body and soul level.
Here is how you connect to your inner guidance system:
- First you figure out what part of your body speaks to you most clearly.
- Then you drop your awareness to that area of the body and you ask yes/no questions, to see how the body responds.
- And literally, that’s it!
We each have at least one intuitive center that we can lean on to get deeper knowings about our health, about how to navigate relationships, or how to develop a soul career… in fact, there is no area of life where intuitive understanding can’t support us!
Today, let me walk you through how to figure out which way that intuitive information reaches you most easily.
Let’s figure out where your awareness lives! Here we go:
First, get comfortable.
Sit or lay down.
Take a big deep breath in, and release it slowly.
Enter a place where you are neutral and not forcing any particular outcome at all.
You are relaxing into being a receptor, just receiving.
So this means:
- you do not have to create any feelings
- you don’t have to force any response
- you do not have to come up with any answers
- you don’t have to picture anything in your mind
Your job is only to be an active listener and feel in your body if you get a positive response at any time while connecting to these intuitive centers.
Now we will run through all the different ways your body can speak to you:
1. Kinesthetic Intuition: A Knowing In Your Bones
To see if you get intuitions on a kinesthetic level, first drop your awareness all the way down your spine.
Feel the connection you have with the floor underneath of you, how it is holding you up, how it is supporting you.
Bring your awareness down to the base of your spine. If you are sitting down, then feel down your back right into the area that you are sitting on. If you are laying down, feel the lower most portion of your spine, right at the base of your glut muscles.
As you bring awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:
- Do you tend to get a knowing deep down in your bones?
- Do you make decisions based on something indescribable all the way down to your core?
- Do you ever use the phrase I knew it in my bones.
- Do you ever get a feeling of deep comfort when making a decision?
- Do you ever feel like sometimes your body moves itself when making decisions like you are able to just watch it play out, knowing your body automatically makes the decision for you and moves when the time is right.
If this is how you tend to know when to say *YES* to a decision, then you are likely to be a grounded, rooted kinesthetic intuitive.
To access your natural intuitive abilities, you can focus on doing a body scan when making decisions or asking intuitive questions. How your body responds: if you feel an itch, if you feel pain, if you feel your body tense up, if you feel your body relax, if you feel comfort or if you feel anxious after you ask yourself a question, a body scan is your go to tool for easily accessible intuitive information.
Follow your feelings of comfort:
My advice for a kinesthetic intuitive is to make a decision based on which choice provides you with a deep seated level of comfort during your body scan… that will be your most true *YES*.
2. Movement Based Intuition: Creative Expression
To find out if you get your best knowings based off of a creative movement, move your awareness up to your lower abdomen, just below your belly button.
As you bring awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:
- Do you tend to get intuitive information flowing to you while you are creating?
- Do you find that doodling, or painting, or drawing, or sewing or cooking or gardening or doing any creative hobby is when your best answers and solutions arise?
- Do you find that sex or focusing on physical pleasure allows creative solutions to flow more easily?
- Do you find that after a massage or love making that you are able to open up to creative solutions?
- Do you find that when you are creating music or art or working on another hobby, time stands still?
- Do you tend to follow your pleasure to know when to say yes to an opportunity?
If creativity or pleasure is the strongest intuitive guidepost for you, then you are also likely a kinesthetic intuitive, similar to the grounded kinesthetic above but this is a more action oriented intuitive, one that needs to be doing something physical in order to allow the intuitions free range to flow.
For these types of creative or sensual kinesthetic intuitives, it is imperative that they get body work and allow for open ended, non-goal oriented expression.
Expressing themselves without an end point (so painting freely, not because you are hired to create a painting for a customer; or writing freely, not because you are creating copy for your website, etc…) is how these kinesthetic intuitives allow the answers to rise up from within.
So, knowing this, when trying to access intuitive information these types of intuitives often get great success when asking a question and then getting active, taking a hot sensual bath, receiving a massage, doodling on a sketch pad.
Take a temperature reading:
My advice for a sensory kinesthetic is to ask yourself: does the decision make you feel warmer or cooler?
Visualizing a thermometer and watching how it goes up or down depending on your different choices and options, or simply feeling if your own body gets warmer or cooler in response to asking intuitive questions, can tell you everything you need to know about your best path. Going with the choice that brings you a feeling of warmth, or a deep seated feeling of pleasure, is your best *YES*.
3. Gut Intuitives: Follw Your Gut Hunches
To find out if a gut hunch or gut knowing is your clearest intuitive center, move your awareness up to your solar plexus. This awareness center is in your upper abdomen, between your belly button and rib cage.
As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:
- Do you ever get a strong gut knowing?
- Do you know when to make a decision based on how it feels to you in your stomach?
- Do you feel a sense of freedom or empowerment when you know you have made the *right* choice?
- Do you get spontaneous answers and solutions best if you are exercising or totally enveloped in a task?
- Do you prefer to take action — any action — instead of doing nothing when facing a choice?
- Do you feel relief after making a decision, and would you rather make any decision than no decision at all?
If you know that you hit a home run when making a decision because you immediately feel in your gut that it’s the right call, then your type of intuition is through getting direct information into your solar plexus core.
It’s great to know if this is your intuitive type because those that receive gut knowings can work with this type of incoming information to go with their first, initial impression.
The gut response — quick, quiet, sure, immediate, direct knowledge — is direct intuitive information. Gut intuitives should not deliberate or wait or weigh the pros and cons or over think decisions. Gut intuitives get a distinct first impression that aligns them with their inner knowings immediately. Waiting for more hits, second guessing the first gut response, letting the mind come in and overthink things, or dismissing the initial reaction and waiting for something bigger to come in can obscure intuitive information for these types.
Gut intuitives can work with their unique intuition flow by recognizing that the initial response is the most accurate, and they can carry a journal around to immediately jot down first impressions or desires, so that this direct intuitive information is not lost later on when second guessing or deliberating the decision.
Go with a feeling of expansion:
My advice for gut intuitive is to bring their awareness down to their solar plexus whenever faced with a decision, and feel whether there is an expansion (a yes) or a constriction (a no) in the solar plexus when asking for intuitive guidance. Making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of expansion, power, or freedom is your most accurate *YES*.
4. Emotional Intuitives: Heart Centered Alignment
To find out if your strongest intuitive center is your heart, move your awareness up to the center of your chest.
As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, as yourself this:
- Do you make most of your decisions based on emotion?
- Do you feel like you’ve made all of the best decisions of your life based on it’s pull on your heart?
- Do you feel that you can sense other peoples emotions, even when they are not physically present in front of you?
- Do you feel so connected to others that you feel markedly drained or highly invigorated by spending time with them?
- Can you have tears spring to your eyes simply by witnessing other people’s emotions?
- Do you feel in your heart when you know exactly what you need to do?
If so, you are an emotional intuitive.
If intuitions come to you most easily through your heart energy center, then you can use your emotional guidance scale to make intuitive decisions. You can feel in your heart when you align, or do not align, with a particular decision. You can often sense a feeling of fullness in your chest or a lifted vibration when an option is intuitively right, and you can sense a heaviness or a subdued vibration when an option is not in your highest alignment.
Emotional intuitives can often feel the emotions of others, which sometimes helps in intuitive decision making because you can be privy to information that other people are trying to conceal. Often emotional intuitives just *know* when other people are lying.
Visualize a heart connection:
My advice for helping emotional intuitive make decisions is to imagine an energetic cord leading from your heart to each particular decision, and follow the one that makes the strongest and most positive connection. Visualizing a heart centered connection is a fabulous tool for emotional intuitives to use when trying to obtain the clearest intuitive picture. Which cord feels the strongest? Which is the least knotted or tangled? Which cord is shining the brightest? Making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of love, energetic strength, and connection is your most accurate *YES*.
5. Inner Voice Intuitives: Guidance From Your Inner Truth
To find out if you get your clearest intuitions through your inner voice, move your awareness up to the center of your neck, in your throat.
As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:
- Do you ever use talking or journalling to make big decisions?
- Do you ever use singing to de-stress or to amp up your energy before tackling a big task?
- Do you hum or whistle a lot?
- Do you like to make a list of pros and cons, do you like to talk big decisions through, do you prefer to bounce your ideas off of others?
- Do you feel like you get your best and most clear *YES* by talking out loud about your options and as you speak about each option, the decision becomes clear?
If journalling and using the written word or speaking out loud to hear your inner voice helps you to get that intuitive hit of clarity, then you are likely adept at connecting to your inner voice to get intuitive information.
For people who connect most easily with their inner truth through the use of vocal or written expression, it helps to simply get your mind out of the way and let the words arise in a free flow format — whether by talking out loud or stream-of-conscious writing. If you have this as your most easily accessible form of intuition, it might help you to begin each day writing a page or two uncensored in a journal, or ending the day this way. It might also help for you to talk out loud to yourself when making big decisions, instead of quietly thinking.
Speak it until you *know* it:
My advice for inner truth intuitive is to go outside for a walk or get into your car and go on a drive, talking out loud the entire way, when making decisions. Other techniques that can help are to use chanting, humming, singing and even simply whistling to help intuitive information flow through through your throat to pick up on words or sounds that resonate with your inner truth. Making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of truth — what feels true for you, right now, in this moment — that is your most accurate *YES*.
6. Sensory Intuitives: Messages From your Minds Eye
To find out if you visualize or hear intuitive information best, move your awareness up to your mind’s eye, in the center of your forehead. Close your eyes for this one if you do not already have them closed. This is nothing to do with what you are actually seeing thorough your eyes and everything to do with what images or words are floating up in your minds eye.
As you bring your awareness to your mind’s eye, ask yourself this:
- Do you ever get sudden pictures or images that seemingly come out of nowhere?
- Do you have a little voice in your head that allows you to make quick decisions (like which street to take when you are driving or to wake up at a certain time in the morning)?
- Do you ever see energy around others?
- Do you ever get distinct impressions or visions in your mind’s eye?
- Have you always been thought of as having an *active imagination* as a child?
- Do you get mental images that are seemingly co-incidental to reality — for example, you think of someone and then they call you later that day?
This is the most traditional way that intuitive information comes in… yet most of us filter out this information automatically, without even realizing we are filtering it out. I actually think we all get intuitive information in this way, but we discard it before it comes into our awareness. But if you are a visual or auditory intuitive, you are still open to getting this information without filtering it out! Go you! This is awesome.
Keep a journal and record all messages and visualizations as they come, before your analytical mind erases them for you. Make sure to express gratitude for these intuitions and to not discount them. Receive them and acknowledge them… acknowledging and recording the intuitive information you get is the best way to keep strengthening your gift.
Watch Thoughts Like Watching Clouds:
Let your mind bring up any image, words, sounds or songs it likes as you ponder a decision you are making… not attaching too much to any one image or voice but watching them all float in and out as if watching clouds blow by. Acknowledge all incoming sensory information, in the form of visuals that pop into your awareness, or songs that play in your mind, or words or voices that speak to you.
Practice letting them come and go freely.
You will know when a visualization is important to listen to. Very often you can actually hear or *feel* a resounding YES when you are hitting on the best choice for you. Making a decision based the choice that gives you a deep seated feeling of wisdom and alignment is your most accurate *YES*.
7. Unity Intuitives: Aligning With The Big Picture
To find out if you receive intuitive information best from a spiritual source, outside of your body, move your awareness up to your crown, slightly above your head.
As you bring your awareness to this area, ask yourself:
- Do you get your best intuitive information through dreams?
- Do you have vivid dreams, instructive dreams, dreams where you receive information or dreams where you get to speak to loved ones who have passed?
- Do you wake up knowing what to do better than when you went to sleep the night before?
- Do you feel like one of the best things you can do when facing an important decision is to sleep on it?
- Do you find more clarity after taking a quick cat nap?
- Do you enjoy mediation?
- Do you feel comfortable in silence?
- Do you often prefer to take a break and leave a stressful environment than stay in the struggle of it?
These intuitive types can be the opposite of the gut intuitives — instead of acting on that very first gut feeling they have, often they need to take the time to let a day or two pass before making a big decision. Sleep allows for information to integrate and process, and for intuitives that allow divine information to come in when the brain is most receptive and relaxed can be their smartest intuitive move.
These types of intuitives should absolutely have a dream journal by their bedside and should get into the habit of recording feelings, thoughts, words, images and sensations that they have while they are still in that open hypnagogic state, before becoming fully alert. While in the hypnagogic state, your intuition can access information that is closed to it when the mind returns to it’s daytime state.
Another great tool for these types of intuitives is to work with meditation, as deep meditative states induce the same type of brain frequencies that deep sleep induces. Even deeply relaxing yoga states can create this type of open brain function, and grounding (touching the earth directly) can help enhance this as well, particularly when you sleep, it will prolong the amount of time you are in that deep open restorative sleep state.
The core of the earth, the mind in restorative sleep, and the mind in a deep meditative state all resonate at the same frequency (the Schumann frequency) and you can use your ability to receive intuitive information while in that open frequency by utilizing all three modalities to make decisions: sleep, meditation, and earthing.
Let Your Body’s Edges Inform You:
Feel the outer boundaries of your body. Feel the space around you and try to notice how connected you are to the air and energy around you, or not. Visualize energy tendrils, or sensors, or little sensory hairs feeling into the space around you. As you bring different choices or decisions to mind, see how this changes how connected you feel to the energy around you.
The right answer will make you feel fully enmeshed in the fabric of the universe. You may feel your body’s boundaries soften, relax or expand, you may see your energy tendrils become interwoven into the air around you. Your sense of separateness may lessen and you may feel more connected to the bigger picture when you are making the right choice for you. Making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of unity is your most accurate *YES*.
As an intuitive physician, I’ve learned a few things about how the body speaks to us, and how we can use our physical bodies as an informant, letting us know when we are on the right path and when we are veering off of it. So I created an online class and I run it once a year. And it starts in just two weeks. Please join me.
Expand Your Intuition Class
Class includes two recorded Q&A sessions, where I personally answer any questions you have on opening your intuition.
I would so love to see you there and connect with you, supporting your inner knowings and helping you get practice using intuition in your daily life.
This class is a *must* for all empaths who find their energy affected or drained by others. I’ll teach you how to become more resilient and strong by tapping into your intuitive gifts, instead of depleted or drained by others.
Click over here to find out more & to hop into class — I’ve got your spot waiting for you:
No matter which way you resonated with receiving intuitive info as you read through this list, you absolutely can use your body to feel your way to your best decision making.
Whether that’s for your health or any other decisions in your life (big or small….) get used to dropping your awareness into your body and feeling your way towards an answer.
xoxoxo, Laura Koniver MD