How To Tell If You Are Electrosensitive And What To Do About It

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At the recent 5G conference I spoke at, it became really clear to me that most people are not quite sure if the are electrosensitive or not.

And unfortunately for most, their physician had not asked about EMF exposures or taken EMF exposures into account when addressing health issues.

So… when will physicians become serious about the diagnosis and treatment of electrosensitivity?



There is a huge movement of physicians who are becoming aware and clear on how the non-stop onslaught of EMF exposures are affecting the physiology of the human body.

Many physicians feel that autoimmune disorders, inflammatory disorders of all kinds, insomnia, nausea, chronic fatigue, pain, dizziness, headache, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, anxiety, depression and psychiatric disorders are all on the rise secondary to around-the-clock saturation of our bodies with radiation.

Myself included.


But until then, it might be up to you to pick up on your electrosensitivity and how this might be impacting your healing, and bring it up to your physician directly.

So today, I wanted to give you some resource to share with your physician in order to help spread awareness.

Here are some things you can do before your next doctor’s appointment to sharing with your health care professional.



1. Print out this medical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of electrosensitivity to hand to your doctor:


Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) has been recognized as a diagnosable disorder since 2012 in Austria, where they have very specific guidelines for diagnosis and treatment.

This may be a helpful guideline to print out and hand to your physician, just click the link below:


Austrian Medical Association Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treating EHS





2. Fill out this electrosensitivity questionnaire and bring it to your next appointment:


You can pre-fill out the exact same questionnaire that is used for the evaluation of EHS by the Austrian Medical Association and bring this with you to your next appointment to share with your physician.

Just click the link below to print out and take it for yourself:


EHS Intake Questionnaire




3. Consider taking a EMF vacation to help rule out other causes:


You never want to ignore other, more easily treatable sources of illness and disease. Doing a non-EHS full work up for any symptoms you are having is always appropriate.

But similar to an elimination diet to figure out what foods are causing gut inflammation, you can consider an EMF vacation to see what symptoms resolve in the absence of persistent EMF exposures.

Camping in a remote location with no electronics for several days to weeks whenever possible, grounding your body to the earth in this natural setting to help expedite recovery, and then seeing what symptoms return when normal living arrangements are resumed can help really clarify what is EMF related and what is not.





4. Ground the human body to help increase resiliency, but use an EMF filtering & shielding ground cord for all indoor grounding applications:



Grounding the body is a natural healing state for all living things to be in, but for those with EHS you want to be sure you are not introducing any electrical currents into the body via your ground cord.

Be sure all grounding tools are grounded with a PureGround filtering and shielding cord to preserve the purest ground connection possible without resonance to manmade EMF fields in the area or allowing current to run up the line while grounded.

And join the Safe Grounding Coalition to stay updated on the latest ways to safely ground in an increasingly EMF toxic world.




Here is a video I created for you showing you how a PureGround cord stops the AC current from traveling up the line to your indoor grounding tool, something that can explain why electrohypersensitive folks sometimes struggle with grounding indoors.

Many EHS patients first get a clue that they are electrosensitive because grounding indoors makes them feel anxious, irritable, headachey or worsens insomnia.

If this sounds like you, the PureGround cord could be your solution to peacefully grounding in your home (click here to watch on my YouTube channel):








5. Ask your doc for laboratory evaluation of EMF mediated inflammatory markers:


These markers can include blood levels of high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP), immunoglobulin E (IgE), histamine.

Salivary melatonin levels and salivary cortisol levels can also be tested.

Print out this article to give to your physician for them to consider these markers and others when evaluating patients with possible electrohypersensitivity… just click the link below:

Reliable Biomarkers Identifying EHS





6. Decrease EMF Exposures On Your Own:



You don’t need a physician to formally diagnose you with EHS before reducing your exposures and symptoms.

Click over here for a printable checklist with 25 easy things to do to reduce your EMF exposures as a starting point. You can go further with this by hiring a building biologist to evaluate your home if desired.

At the very least, start with these 5 steps:


  1. Turn your cell phone onto airplane mode whenever not in use, when charging, and while sleeping at night. Don’t bring your phone into your bedroom but if you must, put it on airplane mode and place it behind a Bedside Shield. Never hold cell phone up to the head, use speakerphone or text instead. Carry your cell phone in a shielding case when you need to carry it on your person, in a pocket, in your purse, in a bookbag, etc…
  2. Remove cordless phones from your home and change to a corded phone, as well as remove any LED or CFL light bulbs in favor of traditional incandescent bulbs.
  3. Cover your wifi router with a router guard to decrease radiation throughout your entire home while in use during the day, and turn off the wifi all together when not in use at night.
  4. Ask to have your smart meter turned off or shielded (best to have a building biologist shield your meter for you.)
  5. Sleep under an EMF shielding blanket at night, and consider shielding clothing for daytime use.


The exciting thing about EMFs is that they are easily shielded.

Metal blocks Wifi signals and other sources of radiation, so it’s just a simple mindframe switch to include protecting from environmental EMF exposures as you go out and about in your day.

Just like most of us have gotten used to the idea of putting sunscreen on and/or wearing hats and sunglasses before spending a day outside exposed to the sun’s UV radiation, we can similarly block radiation exposures from other sources like Wifi, cell towers, microwaves, laptops, cell phones, lighting, electrical appliances and more with clothing and topical preparations.



You can totally block the radiation from reaching your body simply by using shielding tools — clothing, hats, sleeping under shielding blankets, even simply applying this EMF blocking silver lotion can cut radiation exposures in half.

I have all of these supplies and many more waiting for you right here in the shielding section of my shop.





7. Decrease Your Other Toxic Exposures:


There are lots of other ways you can boost your health and keep your body less burdened with toxic exposures, which is particularly crucial if there are EMF exposures you can’t modify.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Reduce total body toxic burden by eating less processed and artificial foods, and more antioxidant rich natural healthy foods. Reducing environmental toxins like artificial fragrances and toxic household cleaners and toxic body, beauty and oral care products also goes a long way to reducing the total burden you put on your body each day. And absolute stop using those fake toxic chemicals on your lawn as well!!!
  • Wash your hands before eating anything to remove all the chemicals we pick up as we go about our day so you don’t get traces of them into your mouth with each meal.
  • Supplement with antioxidants that can help alleviate free radicals and oxidative damage. N-aceytl cysteine (NAC), glutathione, Vit C, Vit D, CoQ10, Apha-lipoic acid (ALA), Curcumin, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Resveratrol, even melatonin are all powerful antioxidants and help slow or even reverse the aging process. The very best, highest quality supplements in the world are all waiting for you (at a discount!) in my trusty online dispensary here.
  • Drink filtered water in large quantities daily
  • Get plenty of natural sunlight daily to boost longevity.
  • Get a pet.
  • Sauna routinely to boost health.
  • Increase your sleep by just one hour to increase your lifespan.
  • Exercise daily to help deliver much needed fresh oxygen and nutrients to all organ systems as well as aid in the removal of toxins and waste by-products. Exercise absolutely boosts your body’s health and resiliency!!!
  • Embrace a positive, uplifting health mantra.


Help spread awareness not only on the actionable things you can to help boost awareness of electrohypersensitivity in the medical community, but also all of the actionable things you can do to reduce your own toxic exposures to boost your innate resilient health… even without a physician’s recommendation!

Sharing this article with all of your loved ones will help them do the same.

Health is your birthright. Claim it!

xoxoxo, Laura