I was a bit nervous, but had SOOOO much fun chatting with Tracy Liebmann on In the Flow with Tracy.
We touch on so many topics:
- How art heals
- Creating = Health
- Where our health issues arise is where our creative process is blocked
- Release through any creative outlet
- Stop trying to fix everything
- Being and allowing, create health
- Our natural state of being is health
- Blending Medicine and Art
- Stop problem solving and start creating!
- Finding, then following your souls purpose
- Releasing the need to define everything
- How to draw creative energy into you
- What the heck is Synesthesia?
- *Trust*
- Claiming your own power
- Re-Framing everything is healing
- Autism
- Learning Disabilities
- Evolution
- Allergies
- Thinking outside the box
- Living outside the box
- Parenting
- and so much more!
Just go here to listen for free right now! And pass it the link along to any loved ones who may enjoy it…
xoxo, Laura