Let Me Walk You Through Exactly How Your Body Is Speaking To You Right Now

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One thing I know about intuition is this:

everybody has it and everyone can use it.



If I can access my intuition, absolutely without a doubt, so can you.

I absolutely was THE most conventional person on the planet… since 4 years old my goal was to become a physician and I worked hard to become an M.D. by the age of 26 years old — I was super square and type A personality  (plus tons of anxiety plus high functioning autism… so yeah, really a truly rigid and boxed in.)

After I became pregnant with my first child, I fully intended to continue on with my conventional medical career and didn’t give it a second thought when something stopped me right in my tracks :

It was seeing my first soul, eye to eye… looking directly at my daughter after she was born.

BOOM. Done.

I could no longer pretend we weren’t all souls wearing earth suits and having divine experiences on this planet.  I could no longer pretend it all made scientific sense and if I memorized enough facts I could distill everything down to a clinical explanation.


Jumping waves with Clara when she was just a few months old.


I remember the next physical exam I did on a patient in the office — rushing my patient through in 15 minutes as is protocol and writing her a Rx as she headed out the door… something I would have felt happy to do before having children made me stay awake all night feeling nauseous and repulsed as a newly awakened Soul Mom.

I actually rushed in the the bathroom and vomited in the toilet before I left work that day I was so upset about it and so worried about the patient that had given me such a strong, unsettling feeling.

Because now I knew — the body was just a thing I was treating and the soul was something I was missing out on entirely.

So I quit.

Quitting conventional medicine is the best thing I had ever done because it forced me to fully trust in the unseen — trust in the outcome when it was not at all apparent what my next step would be.

I had absolutely no idea what I would do next when I walked away from everything I had ever known and walked away from the 23 years of straight schooling I had just invested in (and still had scary big med school loans to prove it…)

I just knew I couldn’t do what I had done before.




And as it always does, the next step kept appearing.

The intuitions started coming like a feeling of deja vu… a feeling of waking up from amnesia to what was there all along… all these intuitions that were always there that I had blocked from coming in.

I started working with patients in a whole new way — seeing their energy and working with their soul energy and finally healing things instead of prescribing a cover up.

Now I don’t want to work any way other than intuitively.  The 5 sensory way to heal patients is so incredibly limited.  And just as 5 sensory physicians limit themselves when healing the body, healing any situation with only 5 sensory information traps us into a limited finite outcome that keeps ticking away towards a dead-end.

We need to move beyond 5 sensory living on this planet in order to transform our experience and reality and existence… in order to create sustainability.  Right now we live focused on a limited, finite experience of reality… we are 5 sensory organisms on a 5 sensory planet trying to figure out 5 sensory solutions in a limited capacity environment.

We have limited resources and are looking dismally at a finite outcome with an end point that means time is up.


love is everywhere
This original artwork I painted sold but here are prints of a similar piece, Dynamic Universe


In a 6 sensory existence, one that welcomes intuitive information as direct and valid information equal to the other 5 senses, we can move beyond boxed in finite outcomes to infinite possibility and infinite solutions.

I can testify that staying opening to possibility with the human body leads to health and healing beyond what one could predict with only 5 sensory calculations and trials and data and outcome computations.

Healing strategies that see the entire dynamic of energy flow throughout the body instead of just a linear cellular process of A = B = C (which is NOT ever how health flows through the body and not how a single disease process happens or resolves!)

The information is ALWAYS there, you just learn to lean into your favorite way of picking up on it:

  • You can feel intuitions in your abdomen — intuitive gut knowings.
  • You can feel intuitions in your chest — heart centered intuitive connections.
  • You can feel intuitions in your head — through visualizations
  • You can feel intuitions all over your entire body in the form of physical sensations on your skin or deep in your muscles
  • You can receive intuitions through your dreams when you are deeply relaxed and in receptive sleep modes.

Your intuitive information is the best ally you have in making decisions that are unlimited in potential and open to many alternative possibilities.



Every single one of us can get intuitive information, but I meet so many people who don’t feel that they are intuitive.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, all we need to do is listen.

To me, intuition just means feeling connected to our soul’s inner guidance system. We each have at least one intuitive center that we can lean on to get deeper knowings about our health, about how to navigate relationships, or how to develop a soul career… in fact, there is no area of life where intuitive understanding can’t support us!

Today, let me walk you through how to figure out which way that intuitive information reaches you most easily. Let’s figure out where your awareness lives!  Here we go:


How To Find Where Your Intuition Speaks To You:



Sit or lay down. Take a big deep breath in, and release it slowly.

Enter a place where you are neutral and not forcing any particular outcome at all.

You are relaxing into the feeling of being a receptor, just receiving. So this means:

  • you do not have to create any feelings
  • you don’t have to force any response
  • you do not have to come up with any answers
  • you don’t have to picture anything in your mind

Your job is only to be an active listener and feel in your body if you get a positive response at any time while connecting to these intuitive centers.




1. Drop your awareness all the way down your spine.


Feel the connection you have with the floor underneath of you — how it is holding you up… supporting you.

Bring your awareness down to the base of your spine. If you are sitting down, then feel down your back right into the area that you are sitting on. If you are laying down, feel the lower most portion of your spine, right at the base of your glut muscles.

As you bring awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:

  • Do you tend to get a knowing deep down in your bones?
  • Do you make decisions based on something indescribable all the way down to your core?
  • Do you ever use the phrase “I knew it in my bones.”
  • Do you ever get a feeling of deep comfort when making a decision?
  • Do you ever feel like sometimes your body moves itself when making decisions — like you are able to just watch it play out, knowing your body automatically makes the decision for you and moves when the time is right.

If this is how you tend to know when to say *YES* to a decision, then you are likely to be a grounded, rooted kinesthetic intuitive.

To access your natural intuitive abilities, you can focus on doing a body scan when making decisions or asking intuitive questions.

How your body responds — if you feel an itch, if you feel pain, if you feel your body tense up, if you feel your body relax, if you feel comfort or if you feel anxious after you ask yourself a question — a body scan is your go to tool for easily accessible intuitive information.

If you are a kinesthetic intuitive, making a decision based on which choice provides you with a deep seated level of COMFORT is your most accurate *YES*.




2. Next, move your awareness up to your lower abdomen, just below your belly button.


As you bring awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:

  • Do you tend to get intuitive information flowing to you while you are creating?
  • Do you find that doodling, or painting, or drawing, or sewing or cooking or gardening or doing any creative hobby is when your best answers and solutions arise?
  • Do you find that sex or focusing on physical pleasure allows creative solutions to flow more easily?
  • Do you find that after a massage or love making that you are able to open up to creative solutions?
  • Do you find that when you are creating music or art or working on another hobby, time stands still?
  • Do you tend to follow your pleasure to know when to say yes to an opportunity?


If creativity or pleasure is the strongest intuitive guidepost for you, then you are also likely a kinesthetic intuitive, like the grounded kinesthetic we met in the last section, but this is a more action oriented intuitive, one that needs to be doing something physical in order to allow the intuitions free range to flow.

For these types of creative or sensual kinesthetic intuitives, it is imperative that they get body work and allow for open ended, non-goal oriented expression.

Expressing themselves without an end point (so painting freely, not because you are hired to create a painting for a customer) is how these kinesthetic intuitives allow the answers to rise up from within.

So, knowing this, when trying to access intuitive information these types of intuitives often get great success when asking a question and then getting active — taking a hot sensual bath, receiving a massage, doodling on a sketch pad.

This type of physical intuition can also be assessed by responding to temperature — does the decision make you feel warmer or cooler? — can be a great intuitive tool for physical kinesthetic intuitives.

Visualizing a thermometer and how it goes up or down depending on your different choices and options, or simply feeling if your own body gets warmer or cooler in response to asking intuitive questions, can tell you everything you need to know about your best path!

If this is your intuitive type, then making a decision based on which choice provides you with a deep seated feeling of PLEASURE (or delight!) is your most accurate *YES*.




3. Next, let’s move the awareness up to your solar plexus. This awareness center is in your upper abdomen, between your belly button and rib cage.


As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:

  • Do you ever get a strong gut knowing?
  • Do you know when to make a decision based on how it feels to you in your stomach?
  • Do you feel a sense of freedom or empowerment when you know you have made the *right* choice?
  • Do you get spontaneous answers and solutions best if you are exercising or totally enveloped in a task?
  • Do you prefer to take action — any action — instead of doing nothing when facing a choice?
  • Do you feel relief after making a decision, and would you rather make any decision than no decision at all?


If you know that you hit a home run when making a decision because you immediately feel in your gut that it’s the right call, then your type of intuition is through getting direct information into your solar plexus core.

It’s great to know if this is your intuitive type because those that receive gut knowings can work with this type of incoming information to go with their first, initial impression.

The gut response — quick, quiet, sure, immediate, direct knowledge — this is direct intuitive information. Gut intuitives should not deliberate or wait or weigh the pros and cons or over think decisions.

Gut intuitives get a distinct first impression that aligns them with the best possible outcome.

Waiting for more hits, second guessing the first gut response, letting the mind come in and overthink things, or dismissing the initial reaction and waiting for something bigger to come in can obscure intuitive information for these types.

Gut intuitives can work with their unique intuition flow by recognizing that the initial response is the most accurate, and they can carry a journal around to immediately jot down first impressions or desires, so that this direct intuitive information is not lost later on when second guessing or deliberating the decision.

They can also bring their awareness down to their solar plexus whenever faced with a decision, feeling whether there is an expansion (a yes) or a constriction (a no) in the solar plexus when asking for intuitive guidance.

If you are a Gut Intuitive, than making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of POWER or FREEDOM is your most accurate *YES*.




4. Next, let’s move our awareness up to the heart. This intuitive center is right in the middle of your chest.


As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, as yourself this:

  • Do you make most of your decisions based on emotion?
  • Do you feel like you’ve made all of the best decisions of your life based on it’s pull on your heart?
  • Do you feel that you can sense other peoples emotions, even when they are not physically present in front of you?
  • Do you feel so connected to others that you feel markedly drained or highly invigorated by spending time with them?
  • Can you have tears spring to your eyes simply by witnessing other people’s emotions?
  • Do you feel in your heart when you know exactly what you need to do?


If so, you are an emotional intuitive.

If intuitions come to you most easily through your heart energy center, then you can use your emotional guidance scale to make intuitive decisions.

You can feel in your heart when you align, or do not align, with a particular decision.

You can often sense a feeling of fullness in your chest or a lifted vibration when an option is intuitively right, and you can sense a heaviness or a subdued vibration when an option is not in your highest alignment.

Emotional intuitives can often feel the emotions of others, which sometimes helps in intuitive decision making because you can be privy to information that other people are trying to conceal.

Often emotional intuitives just *know* when other people are lying.

To help them use their heart to help them make big life decisions, emotional intuitives can imagine a cord leading from their heart to each particular decision, and follow the one that makes the strongest and most positive connection.

Visualizing a heart centered connection is a fabulous tool for emotional intuitives to use when trying to obtain the clearest intuitive picture.


If you are an Emotional Intuitive, then making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of LOVE and CONNECTION is your most accurate *YES*.




5. Next, let’s move our awareness up to the throat. This intuitive center is in the center of your neck, in your throat.


As you bring your awareness to this portion of your body, ask yourself this:

  • Do you ever use talking or journalling to make big decisions?
  • Do you ever use singing to de-stress or to amp up your energy before tackling a big task?
  • Do you hum or whistle a lot?
  • Do you like to make a list of pros and cons, do you like to talk big decisions through, do you prefer to bounce your ideas off of others?
  • Do you feel like you get your best and most clear *YES* by talking out loud about your options and as you speak about each option, the decision becomes clear?

If journalling and using the written word or speaking out loud to hear your inner voice helps you to get that intuitive hit of clarity, then you are likely adept at connecting to your inner voice to get intuitive information.

For people who connect most easily with their inner truth through the use of vocal or written expression, it helps to simply get your mind out of the way and let the words arise in a free flow format — whether by talking out loud or stream-of-conscious writing.

If you have this as your most easily accessible form of intuition, it might help you to begin each day writing a page or two uncensored in a journal, or ending the day this way.

It might also help for you to talk out loud to yourself when making big decisions, instead of quietly thinking.

Go outside for a walk or get into your car and go on a drive — talking out loud the entire way.

Other techniques that can help are to use chanting, humming, singing and even simply whistling to help intuitive information flow through the throat chakra to be picked up faster.


If you are this type of Intuitive, then making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of TRUTH is your most accurate *YES*.




6. Next, let’s move our awareness up to your mind’s eye. This intuitive center is in the center of your forehead.


As you bring your awareness to your mind’s eye, ask yourself this:

  • Do you ever get sudden pictures or images that seemingly come out of nowhere?
  • Do you have a little voice in your head that allows you to make quick decisions (like which street to take when you are driving or to wake up at a certain time in the morning)?
  • Do you ever see energy around others?
  • Do you ever get distinct impressions or visions in your mind’s eye?
  • Have you always been thought of as having an *active imagination* as a child?
  • Do you get mental images that are seemingly co-incidental to reality — for example, you think of someone and then they call you later that day?

This is the most traditional way that intuitive information comes in… yet most of us filter out this information automatically, without even realizing we are filtering it out.

If you are a visual or auditory intuitive, you are still open to getting this information without filtering it out! Go you! This is awesome. Keep a journal and record all messages and visualizations as they come.

Make sure to express gratitude for these intuitions and to not discount them.

Receive them and acknowledge them… acknowledging and recording the intuitive information you get is the best way to keep strengthening your gift.


For a Third Eye Intuitive, making a decision based the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of WISDOM is your most accurate *YES*.




7. Lastly, let’s move our awareness up to the very top of your head.


As you bring your awareness to this area, ask yourself:

  • Do you get your best intuitive information through dreams?
  • Do you have vivid dreams, instructive dreams, dreams where you receive information or dreams where you get to speak to loved ones who have passed?
  • Do you wake up knowing what to do better than when you went to sleep the night before?
  • Do you feel like one of the best things you can do when facing an important decision is to sleep on it?
  • Do you find more clarity after taking a quick cat nap?
  • Do you enjoy mediation?
  • Do you feel comfortable in silence?
  • Do you often prefer to take a break and leave a stressful environment than stay in the struggle of it?

If so, your skill is silencing your brain to receive intuitive information that is intuitively guided.

These intuitive types can be the opposite of the gut intuitives — instead of acting on that very first gut feeling they have, often they need to take the time to let a day or two pass before making a big decision.

Sleep allows for information to integrate and process, and for intuitives that allow divine information to come in when the brain is most receptive and relaxed can be their smartest intuitive move.

These types of intuitives should absolutely have a dream journal by their bedside and should get into the habit of recording feelings, thoughts, words, images and sensations that they have while they are still in that open hypnagogic state, before becoming fully alert.

While in the hypnagogic state, your intuition can access information that is closed to it when the mind returns to it’s daytime state.

Another great tool for these types of intuitives is to work with meditation, as deep meditative states induce the same type of brain frequencies that deep sleep induces.

Even deeply relaxing yoga states can create this type of open brain function, and grounding (touching the earth directly) can help enhance this as well, particularly when you sleep, it will prolong the amount of time you are in that deep open restorative sleep state.

The core of the earth, the mind in restorative sleep, and the mind in a deep meditative state all resonate at the same frequency (the Schumann frequency) and you can use your ability to receive intuitive information while in that open frequency by utilizing all three modalities to make decisions: sleep, meditation, and grounding.


If you are this kind of Intuitive, then making a decision based on the choice that provides you with a deep seated feeling of UNITY is your most accurate *YES*.




No matter which way you resonated with receiving intuitive info as you read through this list, you absolutely can use your body to feel your way to your best decision making.

Whether that’s for your health or any other decisions in your life (big or small….) get used to dropping your awareness into your body and feeling your way towards an answer.

  • Damn, if I had had just ONE SINGLE CLASS in med school on how to include intuition when helping patients through their healing journey, I could have been so much of a better physician from the jump.
  • If I had had just ONE PERSON in my life encouraging me to drop into my heart space when making big life decisions, I could have felt so much less anxious than I have for the past (almost!) 5 decades of living.
  • If I could have had just ONE CLASS to join into the help me quiet my overactive, overthinking mind and center instead into my gut knowings, I could have avoided so much of the trauma I have been through in my life… and I could have stopped my energy from getting drained over and over and over again by the world around me.

So I want that for you — I want to offer a group where you feel seen, supported and lovingly guided, and that’s why I created my Intuition Online Class, where I can guide you step by step through the process of you opening to your own unique intuitive gifts.

Yes, you absolutely do have them. I’ll show you how to find your intuition, hear your intuition, and feel empowered — instead of drained — by being empathetically intune to the world around you.

If you’d like more help unlocking your intuition, discovering where in your body you feel intuitive guidance most easily and what your unique intuitive strengths actually are, save a spot in my upcoming class right here.




I’d love to help you find and use your own intuitive strengths.

Yes, you do have them.

I’m here for you and I’ll show you. And I can’t wait to work with you.

Join me right here while there are still spaces in the class, we start in just two weeks:


Class starts April 29th!

To your totally unique soul energy…



Laura Koniver MD