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Meet dear Bonnie.

She is married to a wonderful man whom she loves very very much. I can relate to that!

Similar to my Balloons for Audry event I wanted her to share her story here today because I adore what she has decided to do, to contribute what she can to a very personal and worthwhile cause, as you’ll read below:

“My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of 2009 but was able to have a surgery called a Whipple Procedure in April.

The very next April, his younger sister was also diagnosed with this horrible disease. She wasn’t able to have the surgery and passed on in September.

In January of 2011, my husband’s pancreatic cancer returned; this time to his omental drape (the fatty layer of his stomach). His surgery was performed by Dr. Diane Simeone in 2009 and we decided to work with her hospital (University of Michigan) via a clinical trial to keep my husband alive.

The clinical trial has been successful and his omental drape tumors ( three @ 3 cm. each) have become less than one centimeter. We are now looking at another phase 2 clinical trial at the University of Pittsburgh to continue our battle against PC.

There is no certain test to determine if one has pancreatic cancer. Most who are diagnosed survive less than a year.

I read that 1.7% of monies given to cancer research is forwarded to those doing pancreatic cancer research. I have children, nieces, and nephews. I am afraid for them as this disease seems to be one that affects our family. Too many other families are affected by PC also.

I found out that Dr. Simeone is doing research that involves stem cells and therefore she doesn’t get funding from any chemical company. It was my decision to try to find a way to make money to help to fund her research. I give 100% of the funds that I earn to her for her research. (It helps me to feel less impotent in the face of PC…I can do SOMETHING!)

The color of the ribbon that stands for PC is purple. I love to knit. So I decided to knit purple wash/dish cloths of 100% cotton yarn and to sell them for $5.00 each. EVERY penny of that $5.00 goes to Dr. Simeone for her research. By selling them on Facebook, I have been able to give her $500 so far and have a little over $200 toward another $500 check.

Dr. Laura has given me permission to offer my cloths to her readers.

The cost is $5.00 each plus shipping. Shipping charges start at $2 and go up a little bit according to the number of cloths ordered. I will accept personal checks and will fill orders as soon as I get the check. My phone number is 586-822-5097 and my email address is — please contact me by phone or by email to order.

The cloths come in four shades of purple and are approximately 9″ x9″ square. The colors are: Lilac, Plum, Light Grape, and Dark Grape.


I am extremely grateful to Dr. Laura for her help with this project!

It is my hope that some of you could use some cloths…they are very absorbent and make nice, small gifts! (If you do find it in your heart to purchase one, please think of the many people who are affected by PC whenever you see your cloth’s color.)

Thank you and God bless you for reading this! Love! Bonnie<3″


Dearest Bonnie, I adore you and your husband and it is my pleasure to support you by helping to get the word out.

I encourage any reader who feels motivated to not only contact Bonnie directly to place an order, but to give this post a shout out on Facebook or forward to your friends and family — let’s spread the word!!!

Each reader who leaves a comment, each time this post is forwarded, each prayer sent or washcloth purchased makes a huge personal impact… I know it seems like such a little thing to do, to forward a blog post or to leave a comment for Bonnie to read below… but it is exactly these small gestures that provide support and comfort when peeps need it the most.

Much love to you Bonnie!

xoxox, Laura