I love my back yard. It is a sanctuary to our whole family. We head out to our backyard multiple times a day, every day, and mill around together. Sometimes gardening. Sometimes taking care of pets. Sometimes rocking on the back porch swing and listening to the chatter of birds. Sometimes jumping on our trampoline.
And now… my newest favorite thing about my back yard… our new tree fort.
Built by Precision Woodworks, LLC, we couldn’t be more pleased. We had a vision of a tree fort built around the base of a backyard tree… with super safe and wide steps instead of a ladder, and with space big enough for the family to snuggle up in sleeping bags and spend a night wishing on stars when the weather was good. This tree fort is that and more.
It looks out over the wetlands beyond the yard… a lovely place full of wild chatter… wild turkeys and snakes and tons of loud bullfrogs (did I mention snakes yet?) and herds of deer and even a wild boar or two… and more birds perched on tree tops then you could possibly count.
This fort brings us one step closer to feeling like we are among them all… sharing land… yet brings us a feeling of comfort and safety as well.
This tree fort is so well built that I truly feel like I could park my car on it and it wouldn’t move. I am so impressed with everything that Precision Woodworks did… from the designs the owner sketched to the crew that came and built the fort to the clean up afterwards… not to mention all the little touches in between… like sanding down all the steps and floorboards and railing pieces individually, to adjusting the plans as we changed direction mid-project… they were super easy to work with and we are super impressed.
If you are local and have any construction needs, I can’t recommend them enough.
Anyway, that is by far my favorite thing in our backyard now… and with fall in the air, we are just loving it up. Campfires and tree forts… childhood’s simple pleasures at it’s best! xoxo