Today I’m just giving a quick, real-life health tip considering we are just on the verge of launching fully into holiday season, which means holiday meals, holiday get togethers, and impromptu toasts abound!
Drinking wine occasionally has enjoyed mixed health reviews — with some studies reporting cognitive benefits from wine (although for those you can simply take resveratrol supplements!) and many studies reporting that alcohol increases cancer risk.
And because holiday parties typically mean a lot of driving out and about to attend these parties, my first recommendation is just not to drink at all!
But if you realistically are going to toast the holidays with friends and family and a drink or two… and you have a safe ride lined up… there is a way that you can help that drink be less toxic to your dear old liver.
Plus, we can’t ignore that even if the recommendation is not to drink at all, there are 140 millions folks in America alone that regularly drink and about 16 million of them have an alcohol abuse disorder.
So instead of ignoring a huge population of folks that need health support, I share this information in an effort to help their body stay as healthy as possible while they seek the help and support they need to stop drinking.
Alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde by your liver…
…if acetaldehyde sounds familiar, you might be be thinking of it’s cousin, the more well known autopsy chemical:
Yep, they are related, and just like formaldehyde is well known to pickle human tissue, acetaldehyde isn’t very gentle on your liver or body either.
Both are harsh chemicals known to cause cancer.
If you are drinking more than one drink an hour, you can probably expect to feel cumulative effects of acetaldehyde build up as your body can’t metabolize the acetaldehyde quickly enough: heart racing, pounding, nausea, dehydration, dizziness.
How can we protect ourselves from this dangerous metabolite?
Our body can use l-cysteine protect against the acetaldehyde effects until our liver can further break the acetaldehyde down into carbon dioxide and water.
You can also add on Vitamin C to help keep the l-cysteine activated and working more efficiently as well.
A combination of l-cycsteine and vit C — taken before you start drinking and continuing with a dose of about 200 mg per ounce of alcohol consumed — to help block the toxic effects of the acetaldehyde can help your body recover more easily from those holiday gatherings.
These supplements are not a recommendation to make drinking safe… rather to make drinking less toxic.
Remember, no supplement can make drinking safe.
And no supplement can make drinking and driving the slightest bit safe… or morally correct… or legal.
If you are going to drink… don’t drive.
And of course, no pharmaceutical company out there has poured money into researching how to reduce harm from alcohol… so there are no large human medical studies to back this up.
(There are animal studies that show that having l-cystiene on board was protective and prolonged the life of rodents who were fed toxic doses of acetaldehyde. Only 10% of animals initially survived the acetaldehyde challenge without supplementation but 80% initially survived with L-cysteine on board.)
But because these supplements are safe, cheap, and readily available to humans everywhere, Big Pharma knows they are unlikely to make a huge profit from pour large amounts of funding into examining how these vitamins might help us preserve and protect our health.
But on the upside, exactly because they are safe and inexpensive and readily available, this means you have easy access to these supportive healing supplements too!
Be sure to stick with very high quality supplements made in fantastic, reputable pharmacy grade nutraceutical facilities.
To help, I’ve added these supplements in the Detox category of my online pharmacy dispensary so that you can be sure you have pharmacy grade, super pure quality supplements on hand to protect your body if you do decide to drink this holiday season.
Taking a dose before drinking, one with each round of drinks, and one after you finish all alcohol consumption might help spare your body from some portion of the the ill effects of the toxic acetaldehyde.
Happy happy holiday season to you and your loved ones!
xoxox, Laura