Skin can speak to us through the location of the eczema patches we have, through acne, through dry tight skin, hives, changes in hair growth, pigmentation, wrinkles, stretch marks and much, much more.
Skin can speak subtly through chronic messages that it whispers to you your entire life…
….or skin can scream loudly and angrily during acute transitions and times of crisis.
But no matter how your skin speaks to you, there is always a message to be appreciated.
Because our skin replicates so quickly, it is a wonderful mirror for what is going on with the rest of our body and mind.
- If we are anemic, it shows us quickly.
- If we are dehydrated, it shows us quickly.
- If we are malnourished, our skin will lack that robust glow that healthy skin gives.
- If we have been neglecting our selves in other ways, our skin will reveal us.
- If we are unhappy, our skin literally sags.
- If we have lost connection with joy, our skin tells it.
- If we feel ugly, our skin mirrors that.
Because it covers our entire body, every thought we think and every word we say and every intention we ever have passes through our skin on its way to communicate with the outside world.
So it doesn’t just protect us from the world… quite the opposite is true too:
it translates our inner being to the surface.
It is constantly in contact with and intimate with our inner workings.
Because of this, skin reflects how we feel about ourselves.
Skin forms our barrier, our identity.
It forms what we perceive as *us* and delineates *us* from *the rest of the world*.
Skin is our outer projection of our inner truths.
In short, skin is our boundary.
Although I often blog about skin and holistic skin care…
…I don’t want to make my blog into a skin care blog because I have so many other important health topics to share with you.
So, I’ve put the rest of my info into a 5 Day Skin Happiness Bootcamp!
So if you want to know the details on how to care for your skin… not just that I recommend skin peels for exfoliation but exactly what my favorite skin peel is and why… this course is for you.
If you want to know what kitchen ingredient I use to exfoliate in between peels, and exactly how you can use it too… this course is for you.
If you want to know what nutritional supplements I take to support my skin from the inside out… this course is for you!
The course starts in exactly two weeks… 5 straight days of daily, in-depth articles, activities, suggestions, reflections, recipes, delivered right into your in-box… and culminating in a live Q&A phone call where I will answer every single one of your skin care questions PERSONALLY.
The course includes a free goodie bag that I will ship directly to you!
The goodie bag includes items we will play with together all week long to compliment the course material… including detox bath salts, coconut oil samples, ingredients to make your own organic skin care recipes, an exfoliating loofah sponge and more!!!
I have enough kits for 30 participants, and I need to ship these out by THIS Friday so that participants can get them before class starts in 2 weeks, so this is the last week to sign up!