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On Monday I talked about how to naturally and easily thwart those seasonal allergies that are flare each spring.


Check it out if you missed it… full of things you can try today in order to decrease your allergies tomorrow!!


Today I thought I’d give a few more ideas for the second thing that crosses my mind each spring besides allergies… spring cleaning!!!


Spring Cleaning Tip #1:


I found my new favorite household disinfectant spray… it is eco-friendly, antibacterial, degreases, and shines. It is SOOOOO cheap that the cost is reason enough to use it.

And it involves recycling and is all natural.

Win, win, win, win, win, win and win.

You might already use it… the main ingredient is vinegar.

But the new little twist I found on Pinterest is that any time you use lemons or limes in cooking or any time you eat a citrus fruit, just pop the rinds (that I would normally discard into my compost heap) into a glass jar, pour vinegar over it, store it in the fridge… and voila!

Instant citrus vinegar EO spray!

The EO (essential oils) come out of the rind of the fruit and scent the vinegar, as well as provide antimicrobial and degreasing properties.

Now I don’t love the smell of vinegar, and I admit I still smell it, but I have saved so much money over using the more expensive Bac-Out (my first true love of home cleansing) that I am forever devoted.

It works every bit as well as Bac-Out ever did.

Just seeing the jar of vinegar waiting for me in the fridge makes me smile. I pour the vinegar into my spray bottle and use it 1:1 with water… and every time I eat a grapefruit or squeeze orange juice, I just start a fresh jar!


Spring Cleaning Tip #2:


One of the things I do annually is deep clean the rugs in my home after a long winter full of fireplace soot and pet hair trapped in my home.

Which reminded me to share with you my favorite rug of all time… FLOR tiles.

I have these all over my home… living room, home office, dining room, bedroom, hallway.

I promise once you switch to a FLOR rug you will never ever ever go back to a traditional rug, for soooo many reasons.

  • One, FLOR tiles are made from recycled rubber.
  • Two, the company has a zero carbon footprint policy that I appreciate.
  • Three, because of the awesome recycled rubber backing on the rug squares, you don’t need a separate rug pad underneath the rug (one of my pet peeves is rug pads!!!! After spending all that money on a new rug the last thing I want to do is buy a rug pad, and I HATE rugs that slip!)
  • Four, because the tiles ship in individual squares, shipping costs are reduced and shipping is more eco-friendly.
  • Five… AND BEST OF ALL… because the rug is made up of individual squares, if one section does become stained/torn/ruined, you don’t need to replace the entire rug, just the one square.

That saves you money and saves the landfill.

I have been so thankful to just replace one little square from my FLOR rug instead of the entire rug.

Another time this was useful was when I decided I wanted a larger rug. Instead of needing to purchase a whole new, bigger, and more costly rug, I just added one more row of FLOR tiles and presto… just like that… bigger rug!

Oh, and by the way, you can return and recycle FLOR tiles when you are done with them. What’s not to love???


Spring Cleaning Tip #3:

Fresh clean non-toxic laundry is right around the corner when you substitute your regular laundry product with a small dash of Dr. Bronners liquid castile soap.

That’s right! The very same soap that is so pure and so earth friendly that I recommend it to cleanse your body and your face can be used for laundry detergent.

We just keep a gallon of Dr. Bronners in our laundry room, pour about a tablespoon in for each load, and that’s it! Lasts for months! And our clothes are soft, clean and pure, and I know my land and water supply thank me for it.

Because we have a well and drink water from our land, I am extra careful with what household and garden products I use.

This one passes my test with flying colors… and even if you don’t live on a well system, be kind to mother earth and your local lakes, oceans, and water sheds by using earth friendly detergents.

My top pick is Dr. Bronners for body, face, household, and laundry care!


Spring Cleaning Tip #4:

Don’t forget to spring clean your body too… flush out toxins from your liver, rebalance your pH, get a new spring in your step, and get your hydration on!

My Gentle Detox will have your colon feeling happy happy happy that spring is in the air in just five short days.

Found in my shop right here!

On top of my Gentle Detox, consider starting each morning this month with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (with “the mother”) in hot water, and grounding every single day to the earth.



Yes, spring is good.

It is a time of hope, a time of renewal, a time of growth, a time of new beginnings.

A time to clean out your home, declutter your world, and refresh your lovely body.


Enjoy your spring my friends!


xoxo, Laura