First, some bookkeeping stuff. Just wanted to post the new start dates for my next run of Health eCourses.
The Detox eCourse started today and I’m loving it! I am so excited to be detoxing this week right along with all the participants. I feel like “spring” inside and out. The first class sold out, but the next class runs in May and you can reserve your spot right now!
Also, the next Skin Care eCourse starts April 25th, so now is the PERFECT time to sign up. I will be creating the next batch of skin care goodie bags and mailing them out this Friday to make sure you get yours in time for the start of the course… so for anyone who didn’t make it into the first two sold out courses, this week is the perfect time to sign up. Remind your friends too!
And truly, it’s not too early to register for any of the eCourses, because most come with a freebie that I want to be sure to have plenty of time to pull together and send you prior to the start of the course. Here are all of the next start dates:
Skin Happiness eCourse: Starts April 25th (and runs through May 6th)
Health Reset eCourse: Starts May 2nd (and runs through May 27th)
Gentle Detox eCourse: Starts May 30th (and runs through June 3rd)
Kids Connection eCourse: Starts June 6th (and runs through June 24th)
I will be adding one more course in a few weeks… an empowering ecourse just for us ladies about menstruation… from menarche through menopause and covering every symptom and every perk of our creative power from a natural and eco-friendly angle. Look for it soon! Yes, it will have a freebie… I’m designing it right now and am very excited!
Okay, the strawberry fields are open and full of luscious berries. Our family went picking two weekends ago and came home with 8 huge crates full of berries!!! Picking berries when they are naturally available (instead of flying them to your region in the middle of winter) just makes sense. We try not to purchase any berries the rest of the year, consuming only the ones that we pick fresh ourselves right now, or are in our CSA produce boxes. That means I’ve been hard at work washing, freezing, preserving, and EATING tons of strawberry foods!
This week I’ve canned strawberry pie filling so we can have strawberry pies this fall… canned lots of strawberry syrup so we can have lots of all-natural strawberry daiquiris this summer… washed and cut and frozen many jars of strawberries so I can use them to cook year round… had chocolate covered strawberries with the very best of the berries we picked… and cooked pies and loafs of bread as well.
I want to share with you my favorite strawberry recipes all week long.
This one today is my very favorite, because it is an unexpected use of strawberries and tastes much better then you expect. It comes from one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, Food To Live By by Myra Goodman of Earthbound Farm.
Strawberry – Tarragon Salad
(truly this salad is extremely versatile, because I didn’t even have tarragon when I made it this week and still LOVED IT!!!!)
2 pints ripe strawberries
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
mixed baby greens (5 or 6 cups)
1/2 fresh tarragon leaves
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese (which I love, but hubby says is equally awesome with goat cheese crumbles)
1. Flavor the vinegar by mashing 3 strawberries against the side of a small bowl with a fork, and adding the balsamic. Stir and let sit while you make the rest of the salad.
2. Cut the rest of the strawberries into bit-sized pieces.
3. Place mixed greens and tarragon in a large salad bowl, add the strawberries (and, this is my addition, but we liked thinly sliced onions in the salad as well!)
4. Add the oil and dijon mustard and a pinch of salt to the balsamic/mashed strawberry mixture. Stir well, then drizzle over the mixed greens and toss to coat.
5. Divide among 4 salad bowls and sprinkle with blue cheese (the recipe also recommends toasted pecans if you like as well, we skip these.)
We ate this salad with some perogies and more onions on the side. Our breath was kickin’ but our stomachs were soooo happy!!!!
This recipe sounds so simple, right? It is. Sounds so boring, right? It isn’t. It’s AMAZING. Trust me.
Let me know if you try it and you wind up eating it several more times this week like we did last week. It’s the perfect thing to eat for dinner the week after you go strawberry picking and you are so sick of *sweet* strawberry snacks like muffins and pie.
I’ll feature two more recipes later this week, so keep picking those berries and come on back Wed! xoxo