I am so excited to launch my updated, 2014 Gentle Reset Detox today.
I’m aching to do a gentle spring detox again, and I want to do it with you!
I’ve designed a very gentle, 5 day course that we can do together… each day adding a new layer of cleansing, culminating in 5 layers of a fresh new you!
- It is very basic and very gentle, perfect for anyone.
- There is no fasting and no radical rules… just a gentle re-aligning with Well-Being.
- Releasing the old toxins and flushing in health.
- 5 days to welcome spring on a whole new level
Here is a little bit more about the detox:
A gentle five day detox program to give your body a fresh start this spring, written by physician Laura Koniver, MD (that’s me!)
No strict diets or rules, this detox program is gentle enough for everybody.
5 days of daily topics, aligned in such a way that each day builds on the next for 5 super easy, super simple days to remake your body from the inside out.
The detox begins with a nutritional focus (with no dietary rules!) then adds on a hydration makeover, a pH balance, an earth reconnect, and finishes with an energy refresh!
Do you feel it my friend?
The earth is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and our bodies are craving new growth.

So Gentle Restart Detox, here I come.
It’s time.
To join me, simply click over here right now.
I love you, Spring!
xoxox, Laura
P.S — Here is a very simple idea to jump start your spring… Connect to the earth every day for one week straight.
The entire motion picture The Grounded is now available for you to view right here for FREE…
…share, share, share this revolutionary health information with all of your loved ones!
This was just released and is now freely available to everyone on earth so take advantage of this and watch it right now! xoxoxo