I’ve felt a strong pull in my heart to support and validate and empower women lately. I feel like I am finally coming into my own… I feel like I’m finally discovering why I’m here, what I have to give… and I feel like I want to take all the women of the world right along with me, finding our voice together, hand in hand.
Does that sound cheesy? As I type it, I realize it might… and yet, this is what I feel… deeply… pounding in my heart. I love being a woman and I feel so much power in this. I am so excited to find new ways to reach out to other women with this energy I have found.
My first step is to be a part of this amazing free teleconference that I blog about here… and I hope you will call in to the teleconference along with me and be a part of it too!
My second step is to create an all new e-course… all about female empowerment. This is code for “why I think being a woman is so magnificent that it is more then worth dealing with periods and all of the associated un-fun symptoms and inconveniences it can bring.” I’m calling the course Cycles of Empowerment, and I am really excited about this new health e-course.
It is a three week long amazing experience… dealing with everything from first periods to menopausal health and beyond… menstrual symptoms, the biology behind our body’s cycle, how I explain it all to my preteen daughter who is facing changing hormones herself, the energy behind it and the power behind it, how I enjoy riding the waves of creativity the changing tides of menstruation can bring and how you can too! All from a natural minded, eco-friendly perspective.
Here is more:
This is a three week long Health eCourse written and led by physician Laura Koniver, MD. The next Menstruation eCourse begins July 18th and runs through August 5th.
Take three weeks to delve into your own power and creativity as a woman. I have designed a course to walk you through the mystery and the magic of the female divine… from first menarche to menopause. This is a fabulous course for mothers of young girls, as I begin with positive ways to address periods with young girls to help them prepare themselves for the transition and find the joy and the strength in this important and healthy transition!
It is perfect for mid-aged females who are menstruating but feel bogged down or burdened by the process… come with me as we explore why menstruation is a time of personal power and find ways to come into this power… it is your birthright! I cover everything… from organic solutions to dealing with our menstrual flow, to dealing naturally with every symptom menstruation can bring up for us: bloating, fatigue, mood swings, acne, cramps, etc.
It is perfect for females facing perimenopause and menopause, as we dive into the energetic shift that this time brings and why this is an amazing time of new beginnings… a reinvention of our femininity… and ways to naturally support our body through the changes. Not just hot flashes, moodiness and sleeplessness, but uterine prolapse, osteoporosis, and bioidentical hormone usage.
While this class does not substitute advice from your personal physician, this course is intended to emotionally support you every step of the way, no matter where you are on your feminine journey. I am here for you each day… sending you three weeks of daily newsletters that address all of the topics above and more… as well as available for private questions throughout the length of the course. I enjoy connecting with the participants during the course and welcome private emails at any time!
Included with this course is a goodie bag that includes a personal journal with my original artwork “Reaching for Guidance” on the cover, a deluxe full color calendar to track your menstruation, moods, creativity, sleep patterns and more all year long, and a sample of Lost River Natural’s organic teas (featured on my blog here.)
This goodie bag has a retail value of over $25! Yours, shipped free, prior to the beginning of the course.
I hope you will reserve your spot now… I would love to have you join me on the very first running of this e-course starting in July! I look forward to it so much… and if you have any questions, please leave them for me in the comments and I will answer them ASAP! Oh, and if you could let all the other women, daughters, mothers, friends and soul mama’s out there about this offering, I’d love it!
And you know what else is really exciting about this course? Somehow I was lucky enough to have the founders of the Diva Cup see my blog and contact me. Wow was I honored! As you know, from my post here, I just am absolutely in love with using a Diva cup, and can think of nothing else that has made my period such a friendly and easy experience then switching from tampons to the Diva Cup. Well… the fine Diva Cup folks offered to host a free giveaway for each menstruation e-course that I run… meaning that signing up for my e-course automatically enrolls you for a chance to win a free Diva Cup of your own!
You can reserve your spot by going here to my Etsy shop… or here to my website.
Come back on Wednesday to see my latest painting… probably the most fun custom order I have ever painted. I’ll show you how I did it step by step… from the sketch to the final canvas… and on Friday… I just started participating in a fantastic on-line photography class… I’ve been loving it so far, I’d like to tell you all about it and share some of the personal photos that I’ve taken, so come back to see them! xoxo