Your Top 15 Grounding Questions… Explained and Answered In Detail Right Here

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The great thing about grounding gaining more awareness in mainstream health and healing forums is that it’s reaching more people.

But that means more questions than ever about how it works, why it works, and how to do it.

Today, I want to share with you some quick videos I’ve made answering the questions I am asked most, and more resources if you have questions that were not answered in this free article.

Here we go!

1.  How Does Grounding Actually Work?


The REAL Reason Grounding Works (Laura Koniver, MD…The Intuition Physician)

2.   How Long Do I Have To Be Grounded To Feel Benefits?


How Quickly Does Grounding Start To Benefit Your Body? (Laura Koniver MD)

3.   Can I Get Grounded In A City?


Grounding In A City (Dr. Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

4.  Why Does Grounding Clear My Head So Well?


Why You Can Think Better If You Go Outside (Dr. Laura Koniver, MD… The Intuition Physician)

5.  How Can I Get Grounded Indoors Right Now?


A Quick Way To Get Grounded Right Now, Even Indoors (Dr. Laura Koniver MD…The Intuition Physician)

6.  What Is An Easy Way To Get Grounded Outside?


A Quick Grounding Boost You Can Do Tonight (Dr. Laura Koniver, MD… The Intuition Physician)

7.  What Is A “Grounding Detox”?


What A “Grounding Detox” Really Is & 5 Ways To Fix It (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

8.  How Can Grounding Protect My Long Term Health?


Grounding: An Anti-Aging Breakthrough? (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

9.  How Does Grounding Make Me Feel So Calm?


How Grounding Can Lower Your Anxiety (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

10.   How Does Grounding Help Me Sleep?


Grounding & Circadian Rhythm (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

11.  Can I Be Grounded Through Pajamas And Sheets?



Am I Grounded Through Pajamas or Bed Sheets? (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

12.  Do Grounding Shoes Really Work?


Do Grounding Shoes Work? (Laura Koniver MD… The Intuition Physician)

13.  Where Can I Read The Medical Studies For Myself?


Grounding Medical Studies


Right here!  On this page I keep a running list of the latest medical literature on grounding, and updated it routinely, so bookmark it to check back to often:

Grounding Medical Studies


This list includes my most recent 7 publications on grounding that you can read for yourself:

14.   How Can I Ask You More Questions?


Every month I host a live Q&A session  — in it, we spend about 20 minutes grounding together through a mindful meditation exercise, then I host a 40 minute live Q&A to answer all of your questions personally.

I’d love to see you there.  Join me by signing up here:

Dr. Koniver’s Live Monthly Q&A


15.  How Can I Meet You In Person?


I would love to meet you in person and guide you through an amazing, restorative, rejuvenating time of healing in an immersive, hands on grounding retreat.

I run several retreats throughout the year, this year I have retreats in March, May, September, and November.  Sign up now to reserve your spot and let’s prioritize your health in 2025… together!

My next retreat in March has a few spots left if you would like to make this spring a time of renewal and to jump start your health:



I hope this resource list is helpful to you and I’d truly love to see you live, either on my next live Q&A Zoom meeting or at my next grounding retreat!


Laura Koniver MD