As I’ll talk about with you on today’s video… EEG studies of brain activity show that grounding instantaneously shifts our brain wave patterns and reduces ambient stress levels.
Getting into the relaxed but alert alpha brain wave pattern, which is seen in deep meditative states and healing sleep states, is the hallmarks of grounding.
Grounding allows the brain to spend more time in that healing, restorative alpha brain wave state, and allows us to feel calm and alert during waking hours as well.
Deeper, more restorative sleep at night puts us in a zone of healing, while lack of sleep affects everything from increasing your risk of dementia to accelerating weight gain (did you know that medical studies show you have a 9 TIMES more rapid weight gain when you carry a sleep deficit!)
Click on the video below and let me take you more deeply into the medical literature and tell you exactly how you can use grounding to boost your brain function and sleep better than ever!
Click here to watch the video on YouTube
Click here to read and print out a PDF of the “Grounding and Sleep” study I referenced in the video
Want to test your own sleep quality?
In the office, clinicians use an assessment tool called the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI for short!) The test will give you a score for your sleep quality — on a scale from 0 to 21. The higher the number, the worse your sleep quality.
600 middle aged patients (from 38 – 50 years old) were given this same exact test, and the average score result was 5.8, so clinicians now typically consider any score at 6 or above to be worse sleep quality than desired.
If you want to take this assessment quiz, simply click here to print it out.
Be sure to record the date you took it, and try taking this quiz again after a month of grounding to see if your numbers have changed! Hopefully you will be able to see very concretely how sleeping grounded at night makes a measurable, significant change.
PSQI sleep quality rating
Increased time spent in alpha brain wave patterns equals greater time in the restorative healing phases of sleep and the healing processing time of sleep, which is when dreams occur. This is why dreams often increase in intensity when we sleep grounded.
While we sleep, we cycle through alpha sleep states and REM sleep states and each time we do we are held in beautiful resonance with the Earth’s healing energy.
This is one of the reasons why getting a good night’s sleep impacts our entire body from head to toe… as discussed in the video, high quality sleep does everything from preserve our brain volume and function to enhancing weight loss!
What are some other things you can do to optimize sleep? Read on…
Holistic ways to support your brain function to help you get a better night’s sleep:
1. Melatonin — the hormone that signals it is time to sleep for our body, our melatonin levels naturally decline with age. If you find it hard to naturally fall asleep, try boosting your own melatonin levels with a low dose melatonin supplement.
2. GABA/L-Theanine — GABA is very soothing to the brain and if you are have trouble with anxiety or racing thoughts at bedtime, you might feel the calming benefits of supplementing with a product containing L-Theanine, which crosses the blood brain barrier and converts to GABA to help relax over active thoughts.
3. Probiotics — the mind/gut connection is completely underrated. Decreased gut flora has been linked with anxiety and probiotics are now shown to be a very effective treatment for both anxiety and depression, and as a bonus, they boost immunity.
4. Zinc — low levels of zinc are linked to depression. If your multivitamin doesn’t have zinc in it, consider supplementing your zinc levels with a supplement.
5. Magnesium — Magnesium is very relaxing and because it helps your muscles relax and release, it is a wonderful nighttime drink. On nights when I am feeling tense (especially helpful for anyone who grinds their teeth at night or has restless legs!) I enjoy a hot cup of water with a teaspoon of Natural Vitality’s Calm magnesium drink, found in my online dispensary here!
6. Supplements that protect your brain — if dementia runs in your family, I highly recommend these two supplements. Omega 3 fatty acids, which preserve brain volume, and Resveratrol supplements, which stop plaques from growing in Alzheimers disease. Blueberries have also recently been shown to give memory a boost in mild cognitive impairment… if you don’t get enough berries on a daily basis, you could supplement with blueberry supplements to help boost your memory function as well.
7. Sleep Grounded — To take your sleep resonance to the next level, you can combine your brain’s healing alpha sleep state with the Earth’s energy directly, not just through resonance of frequency but by directly grounding the body when sleeping with in indoor grounding product. I have invested a great deal of time and research creating the highest quality, most reliable, washable, and ethically respectful (crafted by hand right here in the USA!) grounding healing tools. Tools like:
- Grounding Mattress Panels — the ultimate in grounding all night long using the highest quality eco friendly fabrics (like organic cotton and hemp along with medical grade stainless steel to ground you for years and years and years without fail!). Wash as often as you like with no loss of conductivity!
- Grounding Carbon Bands — all new carbon based grounding technology in a lightweight, travel friendly mattress band that you can simply roll up and take anywhere, so you never lose out on a good night’s sleep! Comes in a reusable travel bag!
- Even Grounding Eye Masks — which block RF radiation to your eyes while you nap, help you recover from headaches and help reduce inflammation in the sinus cavities by grounding… these little eye masks are hand sewn and one of a kind!
Upgrade your nighttime grounding experience by clicking here.
I hope this information on how grounding impacts your central nervous system, your mood, your sleep, even your circadian rhythm was helpful!!!!
A good night’s sleep is absolutely crucial to maintaining wellness as well as healing from absolutely anything your body needs to heal — one thing is for sure, it needs good sleep to do so!
xoxox, Laura
P.S. Want some more sleep support?
Watch this video on additional holistic ways to help your sleep that I made for you below!