How To Protect Your Teens From EMF Exposures

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Today I made a video for you to answer one of my most frequently asked questions:

How can I protect my teenager from all the radiation they are exposed to?


These tips aren’t just applicable to teens, but would work well with anyone that seems a little resistant to (or even openly defiant about, lol!) considering that EMFs are harmful to our body’s health.

With plans for 5G being implemented throughout our nation (and the globe) and our loved one’s exposures increasing dramatically, any little thing you can do to get them to understand that these exposures come with health risks is very very important.




This is a timely message that is worth listening to — in this video I provide 20 different ways to reduce the cumulative radiation that your children are exposed to:


20 Ways To Protect Your Teen From EMFs:


(click to watch on YouTube)


(click to watch on my website)


Here is a summary of the 20 ideas I share with you in this video, along with links to some of the shielding tools I show you in the video as well.

Make sure you watch the video above where I go into detail on how to implement these ideas with resistant teens and watch me demonstrate exactly how to use the shielding tools as well!

  1. Use Airplane Mode
  2. Phone Free Car Rides
  3. Phone Free Meals
  4. Phone Free Sleep
  5. Shielding Phone Case
  6. Bedside Shield
  7. Speaker Phone
  8. Repetition
  9. Shielding Router Bag
  10. Shielding Blankets
  11. Shielding Sleeping Bag
  12. Shielding Robe
  13. Outlet Kill Switch
  14. Shielding Tank Tops
  15. Shielding Boxers
  16. Grounding Computer Cord
  17. Shielding Throw Blanket
  18. EMF Test Meter
  19. Remove Charging Cords From Bedrooms
  20. Move Gaming Systems Into Main Living Spaces



Lastly, here are some awesome resources that can help you feel more empowered and supported in reducing your loved one’s radiation exposures:


1. Wireless Education


This awesome website offers a completely free, 5 minute introductory online course… perfect for gently introducing the topic of EMFs to those who are resistant to the message. This website also has a fabulous 10 minute Children & Family Course and a 15 minute Corporate Safety & Awarness Course for work place awareness that I highly recommend!




2. Screen Strong


This fabulous website offers tons of free resources to help parents figure out if their child might have a screen addiction, and what to do to if so… including a free quiz to help assess if screen addiction is an issue, medical studies, tips, books, videos and more to help you and your child break the strong pull of screens:



3. Electrohypersensitivity Resources


This is a page full of tons of free resources that I have personally pulled together for you to support the health of those who are electohypersensitivie (EHS) — how to diagnose EHS, how to treat it, even print outs you can take in to your own personal physician to help them understand how to support your recovery better:




4. How To Protect Yourself From 5G


This is another free article (with a free video) that I created for you on the topic of how to protect from 5G, after I returned from a 5G conference where the focus was more on the dangers or 5G and less on actionable solutions. I really desire to spread solutions, not fear, so I created this video just for you. Because no matter what, there absolutely are things you can do to protect yourself!



(me speaking at a 5G conference,

which is what inspired me to create a video full of solutions for you!)


4. Shielding Boutique


Want more wonderful shielding ideas and tools? Hop over to my Shielding Boutique for the most wonderful, physician developed and curated (by me, Laura Koniver MD!) stocked with eco-friendly, artisanal, custom hand crafted shielding tools made just for you:





To your innate and ever-resilient health!

And the innate resilient health of your precious children.

God bless you as you work to implement safe strategies that protect their wellness for a lifetime.

xoxoxo, Laura