How To Make Your Next Health Decision Easy (and free poster)

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soul dance

My most heart-felt desire is to help others learn to use their own intuition to feel their way towards sustained health.

The only way to sustain optimal well being is to connect with it yourself.

  • No one can tell you what is true for you.
  • No one.
Not your physician or your acupuncturist or your chiropractor or your best friend.


They can empathize, offer, share, prescribe, recommend, adjust, treat and support… but they still can not connect you directly with Well Being — that’s what you do.


And here is how:


Know that your soul stands in Well Being.

Your soul stands in Well Being!

No matter what is happening to your body…

…your soul still stands in well being.


Your body could be experiencing any disease: it could be dying, it could be hurting, it could have a rare unexplainable condition… all these experiences remain true for your body, but they are not happening to your soul.

Your soul is fully intact, fully functional, fully safe, fully vibrant… and stands firmly in well being.


All our earthly experiences are just that… earthly experiences.

And through it all, our souls are standing tall for us, rooted in well being.


And so a healthy inner mantra becomes:


“My soul stands in well being.”



I want this tattooed into your heart, because remembering this fact during times of stress, trauma, or illness IS your path back to health and healing.

Since I can’t tattoo this on your heart, I offer you this poster — just click on it and print it out and hang it up where you will see it every day:

Click on this free poster to print it out and remind yourself of this important healing truth!


My Soul Stands In Well Being Poster


Why does this even matter?


Because remembering this truth will help you very easily figure out your best next step in healing.

If you remember that any number of things can happen to your body but your soul still stands in Well Being, then you already have all the tools you need to bring your body back to Well Being too.


And here is how you do it: you feel your way there.


All you’ve got to do is feel your way back to the well being of your soul… making health care decisions based on what aligns you with your soul energy.


Sitting with medical decisions… you ask yourself:

  • Which brings you a sense of relief?
  • Which brings you a sense of calm?
  • Which brings you an intuitive knowing?
  • Which brings you strength?


Here is an example of how I made a health care decision in my own life using this technique.

Everyone feels their own intuition in a unique way:


  • For me, I feel around for what brings me a sense of relief (because I generally feel anxiety when I am disconnected from Well Being.)
  • For others, they are going to feel their way around to find what feels most empowering (because their trigger is fearing a lack of control over the health situation.)
  • For yet others, they are going to feel their way around what is calming and centering, because their reaction to illness is anger at the situation.


No matter what your feelings are about your current health situation, feeling your way to where your soul stands is how you find the quickest path to healing.


That’s why no one else can do it for you.


A nutritionist can recommend different supplements, a chiropractor can recommend different adjustments, a physician can recommend an operation or a prescription and an acupuncturist can offer different meridians to stick pins in, but none of us can know which path will align you more quickly with the well being of your soul but YOU.


I like to walk beside each of my patients and teach them how to choose their own healing path based on what feels right to them, because I know that it is the best way to know what modality or pathway will align them more quickly with the well being of their soul. But the process still requires that each patient feel their own way through it!


So your healing journey is just three simple steps:


1. Remembering that your soul already stands in well being… always.

2. Feeling which healing modality feels best to you (usually in the form of a sense of relief, a sense of calm or a sense of knowing/understanding)

3. Actively following through on using that modality to heal


Do it again and again to re-evaluate how close you are to aligning the Well Being of your body to the Well Being of your soul.


There may be changes and detours along the way, but if you are consistently making your choices based on what brings you closer to your own personal soul alignment… you will get there.


xoxoxo, Laura


Laura Koniver, MD

P.S. Want my personal help?

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