Chronic tension sucks. 9 ideas to help…

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stretching to release tension


A great foundation to decrease chronic tension in your body includes:

  • fish oil supplementation to decrease inflammation in your muscles
  • grounding and connecting to the earth to decrease over all inflammation and muscle tension
  • getting extra sleep (10+ hours a night!) and use of melatonin or tryptophan if needed to help this sleep reach deeper, restorative levels
  • yoga and daily stretching
  • acupuncture to increase energy flow through your body and support releasing tension, reducing pain
  • massage to neutralize trigger points


If a weekly massage is not in your budget or can’t fit into your busy lifestyle, you can still locate trigger points and help facilitate release of those painful and tender areas.


One idea is to use a product like the Body Back Buddy to help you reach your own trigger points and apply pressure that will help release tension.



But another idea is to use something you likely already have in your garage… a tennis ball!


It’s my birthday today and I’m off to enjoy it with my loves (I think a trip to a coffee shop is in order for my day!) so I’ve invited Dr. Todd Luther (from Align Integrative Health in Washington) here to explain more and give a few tips on how to use a tennis ball to release muscle tension! I’m going to fit in a little tennis ball massage myself this afternoon for sure!

Dr. Luther explains:

DrToddLuther.jpgThink that tennis ball can only be used for sports and exercise?

Think again. Tennis balls can be used virtually anywhere you can creatively put them! It can be used easily
on your back, hips, gluts, calves, and soles of the feet.

The idea is to achieve a “release” or a “melting” of the sore, hypersensitive “hot spot” (the trigger point) by putting just enough pressure on it.

Unlike any other balls, the tennis ball provides soft cushion to your body as it’s a ball with a spongy
texture. The tennis ball therapy does not require a professional therapist, a masseuse or any machine to be operated to your body. You don’t even have to hire a trainer to teach you how to do the therapy yourself. Best of all is that it does not give any negative side effects but only eliminate the tender spots that cause body pain.

Treatment Procedures:


If you’re complaining about back pain, lie on your back on a flat surface. It can be a low mattress or a mat on the floor.

You won’t need any other materials but the tennis ball to alleviate your area of discomfort. Be careful not to maneuver the ball on your spine. Instead, you should roll it on the muscle along the side of your spine.

When you arrive at the perfect trigger spot, press the ball down with your weight. Wait for about 10 counts before releasing then repeat the same steps to the other affected parts of your back.

Another frequent pain points are the shoulders and neck.

You can follow the same procedure as with the above. Just move the ball from your lower back to the hips and up to your neck to shoulders.

But added steps are to roll on either your left or right side, wherever the stiffness or pain is felt more. Then press the ball again for 10 seconds under your shoulder.

The next step is to apply the same weight onto your stomach and chest area. Note that the ball should not be put on your bones but focus only on
touching on your muscles.

Tennis ball therapy not only diminishes the pain you are experiencing but it also aids in strengthening your muscles. Especially if you’re an athlete, you can gain benefit from this approach and have big improvements on your range of motion. It is a good but inexpensive way of treating affected muscles that resulted from injuries and hyper irritation.

Aside from your back, hips, neck and shoulders, you can also use the tennis ball on your hand, wrist and forearms to decrease tension.



Thank you Dr. Luther! I challenge you to grab a tennis ball this evening and give it a try before bedtime… perhaps right after a nice hot shower when your muscles are warm and pliant… and let me know what you think!


The other thing that I know can really help is a course I’m offering this month called the Health Flow Unleash eCourse.


I have so much information to share with you about this that I literally could write a blog post to you every single day for a month straight to build your confidence in what your own body can do and tons of tools that you can do from your own home to facilitate healing.

So that’s what I did!

I created my Health Flow Unleash eCourse to go so much much deeper then I could ever do through a blog platform because I connect directly and privately with each participant in the class and show them how to get into a state of natural healing.

It’s like a health upgrade, emailed directly to you and in the convenience of your own home!

Not only is this eCourse full of insider information from a physician’s perspective and an energy healer’s perspective combined, but it comes with personalized attention directly from me, one-on-one all month long.

The course starts next week and it will be the last time I offer this course until the end of the year!


To read what the last course participants had to say about their experience and to join us for this session, pop on over here and save your spot.


I would love nothing more than to empower you in your quest for true healing.


I mean that sincerely. I want to help. Here is the best way I know how.

Now next week I’m going to dig a whole lot deeper into one specific form of muscle tension… fibromyalgia. So if you know of friends or family that suffer from painful fibromyalgia, give them a head’s up.

Understanding the energetic message behind fibromyalgia and how to approach this energy in a helpful light and how to begin to release the energetic struggles that fibromyalgia can bring can really change the dynamics of this disease.


With a focus on deeply *receiving* the message of fibromyalgia, we can transform this disease state from a painful, limiting condition to a blessing that keeps us healthier and more balanced then we ever could be otherwise.

Looking forward to it…

xoxox, Laura