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Last week, my children and I had fun working on a project I had seen all over the bloggersphere… in too many places to even credit (just google crayon art) it is all over Pinterest, StumbledUpon, and blogs galore.



Miles and Clara did an amazing job on theirs… so good I just have to frame and hang them! I just love these… somehow they combine the spirit of childhood with freedom and flow… melting crayons into something new, each one totally unique… it is just pure fun.


If you want to create your own this weekend, all you need to do is get a bunch of crayons, a hot glue gun, a canvas or panel (we used flat canvas panels instead of stretched canvases) and a hair dryer.




I preferred the look of the crayons without the wrappers on, so I soaked them in a bowl of water overnight, then pulled off the loose wrappers the next day.



Hot glue gun your crayons across the top edge.



Melt. It only takes a few minutes and then the wax turns liquid and runs down. Be careful, it splatters a bit… I tore open an old box and used it for a backdrop.




Of course there are a millions variations you can do… from melting the crayons in a 225 degree oven for a minute or two (instead of the hair dryer) to melting the crayons on a flat surface and “painting” with them in liquid form… I just don’t think you can go wrong with it! For inspiration, check out this Etsy shop full of lovely crayon art from JKCreate.


Have fun with this! Enjoy your weekend… xoxo

P.S. Don’t forget my free giveaway of five spots in my upcoming Female eCourse in honor of Empowered Birth Awareness Week! I’ve got 14 people entered to win, and five spots to give away, so you’ve got great odds of snagging your spot too 🙂

All you gotta do is add a comment to any of my blog posts this week, or like me on Facebook and leave a comment there. Spread the word to anyone you know who may enjoy the course and for more info on my eCourses, check here.