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This is my second favorite recipe for using up my strawberries. It makes two loafs, and it freezes really well, so this is an incredible time saver for me — I make one that we eat quickly (it’s YUM!) and freeze the other one to eat the next month (or the very next week, depending on how much we are craving it.)

I wind up using the strawberries that I wash, slice, and store in my freezer in glass jars all winter long making this strawberry bread — it is so good and makes me feel like spring is right around the corner on those long dark colder days.


I got this recipe somewhere off the internet years and years ago, and have modified it quite a bit over the years, perfecting it to exactly what we love.

I’ve found that any and every berry tastes good in this recipe… today I’ve used blueberries and strawberries, but it is good with just all strawberries, with blackberries, raspberries… if you ever have any berry at all on hand and they are starting to get old or go soft… pull out this recipe to use them up in.

It will make you two huge loafs and you will be eating delicious and healthy bread all month from it!



Strawberry Bread


3 Cups mashed strawberries or any berry combination

4 eggs (free range and local if possible!)

1 1/4 cup vegetable oil (we use grapeseed oil and/or coconut)

3 Cups flour (I use 1 cup whole wheat and 2 cups unbleached white)

2 Cups sugar (organic if possible!)

2 tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

I usually also throw in about 1/2 cup organic ground flax seeds too…



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease 2 loaf pans


2. Mix mashed berries (here I have used blueberry and strawberry in equal parts,) eggs and oil in a bowl.



3. Mix flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and optional ground flax seeds



4. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Divide into two loaf pans. I sprinkle generously with organic Demerara Sugar so that each slice is like a muffin with sugar on top 🙂



5. Bake 1 hour. Let cool. Devour one immediately and wrap one up to freeze for later.


This never lasts long in my house. My husband sneaks a ginormous slice every morning before heading off to work, and my son likes it too, so between my two men this loaf won’t last more then 2 days. I hope you love it too!!! Please let me know if you give it a try!

One more strawberry recipe this Friday… and both my hubby and I plan to be at a local Earth Fest festival this weekend. Details as to where you can come by to say hi/ask either of us health questions/sign up for eCourses/see my artwork/give us a high five/drop me off a Chai Latte… coming this Friday! xoxo