
Recipe: Organic Marinara Sauce from your backyard

  Well, not exactly from *my* backyard… more like from my local farmer’s backyard. As you all know, the tomatoes in my own yard didn’t take off much this year. We had a lovely crop (and it’s still coming!) which gave us enough tomatoes for fresh salads and straight eating this summer, but not enough of a crop for me to can them into sauce. Knowing this, my hubby came home one night after work with three huge baskets full of local fresh tomatoes from John’s Island… Now if you are smarter than me, you will not begin to make […]

Recipe: Organic Marinara Sauce from your backyard Read More »

Organic Gardening… Spotlight on Readers!

Wow. I’ve gotten some pics from readers lately that have me laughing at my own garden attempts. You all are awesome! I just have to share a few of my very favorite reader pics with you here. If anyone wants to email me their garden pics, I’d love to see them! As you’ll see from some of my own pics further down, my garden is growing well but my tomato seedlings are not all I thought they would be at this point. If anyone wants to shoot me a “my garden ain’t doing so hot either” picture to cheer me

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