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Nothing soothes the mid-winter blahs like delighting in Baker’s Creek heirloom seed catalog, planning a spring garden that is just around the corner (or so I keep wanting to believe!) The earth awaits, my friends!

Thanks to saving seeds from last years crop (tutorial here) I had all our standard seeds stored and ready for use for free this year, which left me some extra wiggle room to expand our garden and try out some fun new crops I’ve never tried before.

I might have gone a little overboard, but I just can’t wait to get started. In fact, I plan to start some of the very early crops indoors this week… using my free and eco-friendly recycled greenhouse set up!

Here are the crops I’m going for this year:
1. beans (old homestead)
2. beets (detroit dark red)
3. carrots (danvers)
4. corn (strawberry popcorn saved from last year and golden bantam)
5. cukes (saved from last year)
6. pumpkins (saved from last year)
7. lettuce (saved from last year and adding miners lettuce, gentilina, big boston and little gen)
8. melons (watermelon saved from last year and adding on bidwell casaba)
9. onion (saved from last year and adding sultgarter)
10. snap peas (sugar snap)
11. red pepper (quadrato dasti rosso)
12. tomatoes (paste tomatoes and cherry tomatoes saved from last year, and adding on raspberry lyanna)
13. potatoes from organic potato tubers
14. herbs (basil saved from last year, adding dill, feverfew, cammomile and stevia)
15. flowers (zinnia saved from last year, adding balsam mix, romance carnations and marigolds)



I want to give a nice shout out to Baker Creek’s new seed book The Heirloom Life Gardener… and a big thanks to my hubby who gave it to me as an awesome Christmas gift.

What I did was have fun picking out some new seeds from the seed catalog… ones that I’ve never tried before… wrote those all down in a wish list and then turned to The Heriloom Life Gardener book to look up the specifics of how to grow them (i.e., direct sow or transplant seedlings… full sun or partial… those kinds of things are all addressed in this gorgeous book) so that I could plan where everything would grow in my garden this year.

If you haven’t started dreaming of your spring garden yet, the last week of Jan is the perfect time to get out your seed catalog, drawing yourself a nice hot bath, and take plenty of time to look through it and dream. xoxo, Laura