
Coffee Protective Against MS

  If you follow my blog, you already know I’m a big fan of coffee.   Yes I love how it tastes… but I also love the benefits that have been medically proven. I’ve blogged about a few of them in the past…   Coffee has been shown to (click to read more on each topic): decrease your risk of diabetes protect your heart prevent dementia reduce incidence of skin cancer and even boost memory!   Today’s uplifting healing report from the medical literature highlights yet another way that coffee may be serving your brain… by protecting against multiple sclerosis. […]

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Thoughts On Health: A New Hazard of Cell Phone Use

This the third blog post I’ve done regarding non-ionizing radiation and it’s effects on us. With new articles (like this one, in the New York Times) constantly alerting the public of possible hazards to cell phone use, I wanted to give my readers the very latest thinking in the cell phone debate. The first blog post, discussing how cell phones may abnormally effect glucose metabolism in our brains on the side that the user holds the cell phone, introduced one possible explanation for the cell phone/brain tumor link that has been suggested in several studies. The second post, discussing the

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