
My Fav Toothpastes…

    I love love love this toothpaste. It tastes like you dipped your toothbrush in baking soda, then squeezed a fresh lemon over the top. And that’s because that is pretty much the ingredient list on this pure, organic, high quality toothpaste. I love brushing with baking soda… washing your oral muscosa and teeth with baking soda is a fabulous way to re-set your mouth’s pH every morning and every evening… it is gentle on your teeth and neutralizing for breath, too.   I am also a big fan of just sprinkling your toothbrush with baking soda and brushing, […]

My Fav Toothpastes… Read More »

Cleopatra, A Mummy, and Some of My All-Time Favorite Etsy Artists

My daughter wants to be an archaeologist some day… some day soon. I’ve talked about how our backyard is the site of her first dig… and how she has a deep connection to Ancient Egypt. One thing that I wanted to give her for Christmas was some Egyptian Art for her walls. I couldn’t find anything that was just perfect for my little Cleopatra… so I decided to make her something. I lucked upon this amazing Etsy shop, The Octopode Factory. It is full of awesome characters and artwork, that you can purchase and print out for use in your

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