
Honey To Speed Wound Healing (and reduce scarring!)

You already know I love honey to ease seasonal allergy symptoms… this pic shows the honey lollipops I love to make… and literally my son’s allergy complaints are non-existent this year. And you know I scour the medical literature on your behalf to bring you all the positive, uplifting, cutting edge and natural health advice possible… (like how chocolate is great for brain and heart health! Yes sir! Give me another!) So I’ve got something else easy and natural that is proven to work, even in the cynical and cold/calculating world of medicine… honey stood up as a wound healing […]

Honey To Speed Wound Healing (and reduce scarring!) Read More »

More good news for your Monday Morning…

    If you are like me you love coffee. I mean everything about it… the smell… the taste… the warmth… Likewise for tea. I just love it! Chai lattes being my favorite, but cinnamon, earl grey, camomile, peppermint… love them all. Besides all of the recent good press coffee has been getting on all fronts (anti-depressant, exercise adjunctive, antioxidant…) and all of the good press that tea has always gotten (antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-cancer, etc…) they are both being lauded now for something else… reducing the over all incidence of MRSA. MRSA is a much feared pathogen in our society,

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