Ebola has been front page news all summer, so you would think this recent medical study would be as well…
…but instead, this study on surviving overwhelming infection remains largely hidden.
Of course, anything that shows there is a WIDE diversity to “healthy weight” — that there is a reality so much wider than the current definitions of under weight, “normal” weight, over weight, mild and severe obesity — is hidden by the media.
That makes sense, as the weight loss industry is a 20 BILLION dollar industry IN THE UNITED STATES ALONE!!!
So, of course the media wouldn’t want you to actually feel good about your current weight.
But its medical fact:
Right on the heels of a huge meta analysis that shows mildly obese people actually have a lower mortality rate than normal and underweight people, this latest medical study proves mildly obese patients have yet another survival advantage:
surviving lift threatening infections.
Published last month in the August 2014 issue of Critical Care Medicine, the results of this study prove that heavier weight allows the body to survive overwhelming bacterial infections, even at advanced age.
The researchers looked at the date of over 1,400 elderly people hospitalized with severe sepsis (requiring ICU care) and compared their body mass index (BMI) with clinical outcome 1 year after discharge.The results revealed a 25% improved mortality rate in severely obese, obese and overweight patients compared to normal weight patients.
The bottom line?
Obesity seems to have a survival advantage in advanced age, trauma, and serious illness.
“Obesity has helped us for millions of years to survive starvation and hardship. When those conditions happened to mankind, people who could store fat survived,” Dr. Kalantar-Zadeh points out.
“Now, [in many parts of the world,] we don’t have starvation. We have new types of hardships like cardiovascular disease and critical care conditions. Obese people have enough stored reserves to survive hardship conditions such as sepsis.”
In fact, as I blogged about here, only when a person’s BMI exceeds 35 is there an increase in mortality rates.
So… if losing those last 10 pounds isn’t actually going to help you live longer… what defines your “ideal weight”?
What defines your ideal weight is how you *feel* wearing the body you wear each day: your energy level, your flexibility, your capacity to get around, to get outside, and to enjoy the things you want to enjoy each day.
The real focus should ALWAYS BE on feeling as healthy and vibrant as possible.
This means focusing on muscle tone.
On heart strength.
On endurance.
On lung capacity.
On bone mass.
On energy levels.
On restorative sleep at night.
On happiness.
On quality time with loved ones.
On meaningful relationships.
On spiritual strength.
The only patients that should even be at all *thinking* about losing weight are patients with a Body Mass Index of over 35 kg/m2 or higher.
And even if you are at 35 BMI or higher?
Focusing on energy levels, bone mass, restorative sleep and such will create a path of natural weight loss anyway.
So my recommendation is NO ONE should be focusing on weight… and now you have the science to back that up.
Want help letting your own, perfect, ideal weight shine through?
1. Try Earthing. Mother Nature knows what the best weight for you is!
2. Sleep deeply. As I blogged about last week, sleep impacts your weight exponentially.
xoxoxoxo, Laura