
How To Make Room For 2024… In Your Living Spaces, In Your Body, In Your Life

  I can think of no better way to set the stage for a brand new year, 2024, to be full of expression and growth than to simplify and declutter at the start of the year. You need space to expand, it’s as simple as that. Clutter stops growth and expansion, and it affects your health, both mentally and physically. I want you to feel like your living space — whether it is a single room, an entire apartment, or a massive multilevel home — just wraps you up in a big hug of safety and security and joy, with […]

How To Make Room For 2024… In Your Living Spaces, In Your Body, In Your Life Read More »

How to Celebrate Running Your Car Into the Ground… (and a lovely surprise sale from a special guest!)

Hi folks! We are celebrating finally paying off both of our cars… yippee! My husband’s vehicle is a wonderful hybrid truck that we love and is the car we choose whenever we are all together, going on family trips and around town and such. But my car… that’s another story. It’s a beat up minivan that we got when our first child was born. It has taken us across the country, taken us through our life… taken me to the hospital to deliver my son… taken us from our starter home to our lovely permanent home in the woods… it’s

How to Celebrate Running Your Car Into the Ground… (and a lovely surprise sale from a special guest!) Read More »