Positive Parenting

Using The Earth Outside To Clear Your Head And Help You Think

    Do you like spending time in nature? Do you feel like you think more clearly after you have spent a little time outside? It’s not just a coincidence, your brain is actually being put into a healing state and helping you think more clearly, and we have several great medical studies to explain why. We already know that grounding to the earth outside immediately impacts our brains.  This fantastic medical study, published in 2018, documents the brain wave shifts that happen near instantaneously, within milliseconds, recorded via an EEG (electroencephalogram) when the human body is grounded.  Alpha wave patterns […]

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6 Ways To Protect Your Skin While Enjoying That Summer Sun

    Well it’s closing in on summer and I hope you have moved some of your indoor activities outside to take advantage of the warmth and sunshine and grounded earth waiting outside to boost your health.  If you need help, read through this idea list and pick one to do outside today: Hate Going Barefoot?  27 Fresh, Alternative Ways To Get You Outside Grounding This Spring This naturally brings up concerns about skin cancer and photo aging effects from sun exposure — but don’t let that stop you from going outside.  A large medical study published in the Journal

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Save Time To Play, Even After Returning To School. It’s Essential For Health At Any Age

Play is not only a relief and a respite from the seriousness that stress, illness and trauma bring to our lives, it is actually therapy.   Play time is therapeutic time, point blank.  Child psychologists use this healing tool often, because play is a child’s way to express and release any inner turmoil or fears that the child doesn’t even consciously know they have.   But it isn’t only therapeutic for children, it’s therapeutic for adults too. In fact, I would argue that engaging in some form of play daily is one of the best things you can do to safeguard your physical health.   From physical

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5 Crucial Ways To Support Your Child As They Head Back To School

    It’s mid-august, and that means back-to-school season, so the next three blog posts are here to help support your transition to that this time brings. There can be a lot of stress associated with back-to-school season.   For some, back-to-school means an increased risk of in person bullying (as well as social media bullying) and scary headlines that include school shootings, piled on top of the normal stressors of navigating growing up and figuring out a career goal and growing from a child’s body into an adult body and all the growing pains in between, as well as

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A Mother’s Love Capable of Helping to Protect Your Health As An Adult

      In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I want to share with you one of my all time favorite medical studies. It shows how a little TLC from your mom may actually help protect your health, well into adulthood. Published in 2005 in Dialoges in Clinical Neuroscience, researchers found that the how much affection a mommy rat showed to her babies in their first week of life protected them from future stress later on in life — decreasing their stress response and even lowering stress hormone production. Researchers compared two different types of mom rats, separating them

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Why Your Pet Loves Your Grounding Mat (+ The Health Benefits Of Having A Pet)

    Does your pet fear thunderstorms or fireworks or other loud noises? Does your pet ever feel anxious or show signs of nervous energy?  You know, excessive licking, panting, barking, pacing, trembling? You might want to get them grounded.  A huge thank you to Scott Nixon, in Oldsmar, Florida, who noticed that his dog is fearful during thunderstorms, and found this article: Why Are Dogs Afraid Of Thunderstorms? In the article, chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies Nick Dodman suggests that static build up that occurs in your pet’s coat of hair, and the resultant shocks

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How To Discover Your Play Style, And Use It To Improve Your Health

          Play is not only a relief and a respite from the seriousness that stress, illness and trauma bring to our lives, it is actually therapy.   Play time is therapeutic time, point blank.  Child psychologists use this healing tool often, because play is a child’s way to express and release any inner turmoil or fears that the child doesn’t even consciously know they have.   But it isn’t only therapeutic for children, it’s therapeutic for adults too. In fact, I would argue that engaging in some form of play daily is one of the best things you can do to safeguard

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