
The Single Most Important Factor For Perfect Health

Do you know what it is? Is it drinking enough water each day? Is it eating only raw foods? Is it getting high quality sleep?   Nope. All of those things are amazing, of course… but here is the ONE factor that is controlling your current state of health completely: your thinking.   Don’t believe me? Think about it this way:   Your body is completely new — inside and out — every few years. All of your organs (except for one) completely regenerates, repairs, and optimizes on a continuous basis.   Some parts of your body are so fresh […]

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Thoughts On Health… Death and Dying… revisited.

First, let me say that I really miss the health collage series. I have a collage of the thyroid to share with you, but my (step) grandfather died last week and I have decided to push back the thyroid collage until next Monday. This past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about death and dying, and watching my loved ones grieve. I think I’ve been extremely lucky to have two fabulous role models in my family for death and dying… both my grandmother Grams and my grandfather Cass transitioned quite quickly once death became inevitable. I really admire them for

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