
How Your Posture Is Impacting Your Health

    Last year when I ran my annual Chakra Healing Class, one of the most interesting topics came up. On of the participants (thank you Steve!) mentioned that he noticed becoming more short of breath when his posture slumped. That brought on a wonderful discussion of all the different ways that poor posture literally physically affects your health… everything from dry mouth and dental issues to decreased oxygenation, decreased sleep quality and even increased ADHD symptoms.   But posture affects more than just our physical body… it affects our spirit.       In class I shared a link […]

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How To Get The Purest Ground Connection

  I get thousands of emails asking me about grounding in areas where there are EMFs present (which, let’s face it, is basically everywhere.)   The truth is that the very thing that makes grounding so powerful is that we are fully conductive human beings with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive and ready to receive the earth’s healing energy. And the very thing that makes us so susceptible to EMF exposures is that we are fully conductive human beings, with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive, which means we are affected

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