
A World Of Difference To An Animal, A Free Giveaway For You

  While we figure out new ways to support our innate health, to survive and thrive despite new dynamics in our daily life, and to prioritize health and wellness during this pandemic, many small businesses are dramatically impacted, even closing permanently. Animals don’t understand this.     Especially endangered animals that are in the midst of rehabilitation from being injured or orphaned. The Kroschel wildlife park rescues and rehabilitates injured and orphaned Alaskan animals and is the only place in the world that provides a unique hands on experience to visitors, providing a one-in-a-lifetime, unprecedented peek into arctic animal behavior […]

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Meet Bonnie

Meet dear Bonnie. She is married to a wonderful man whom she loves very very much. I can relate to that! Similar to my Balloons for Audry event I wanted her to share her story here today because I adore what she has decided to do, to contribute what she can to a very personal and worthwhile cause, as you’ll read below: “My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of 2009 but was able to have a surgery called a Whipple Procedure in April. The very next April, his younger sister was also diagnosed with this horrible disease.

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National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Balloons for Audrey

Recently a sweet mother one of my local groups sent out an email that changed me. Audrey was asking for breast milk donations because she recently found her breast cancer has returned and she wanted to secure a supply of milk for her nursing baby girl. I was so touched, seeing the love that Audrey has towards her baby girl and the extent that she would go through to continue to feed her breast milk… it made me desperately wish that I was still nursing and could help. As many of you know, I was absolutely smitten with breastfeeding… I

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