
Holiday Eating & Drinking Tips To Protect Your Health (+ Avoid Weight Gain)

    Holiday stress isn’t just stress over picking out the perfect gift, or traveling in the midst of a pandemic, or balancing social commitments. Most people report that being surrounded by rich holiday foods, alcohol, impulse eating, and weight gain during the holiday season adds a significant amount of stress as well. So well before the holiday season gets underway — a season that generally starts with Halloween candy binges and doesn’t end until after we ring in 2021 — I wanted to give you a few tips on how to navigate this tricky but wonderful time of comfort […]

Holiday Eating & Drinking Tips To Protect Your Health (+ Avoid Weight Gain) Read More »

Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat!

Hi Peeps!!! Last Monday I talked about my vision that intuition and medicine can be completely compatible with each other, each providing information that can exponentially strengthen health when combined. So today I want to give you the perfect example of this… how medical knowledge of the human body is enhanced by intuitive knowledge about food choices. Many times the food *struggles* that my patients thought they were having weren’t really struggles at all. It was their body trying to tell them what it needs. Often the person has food cravings that are absolutely perfect for the energy work they

Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat! Read More »