
Grounding To Balance Your Hormones

Hormones are the signs in your body telling each organ system how to function together.   Hormones are all about the interplay between organ systems and keeping the entire human body safe and functioning as one… that’s their role. So when grounding supports our hormone balance, it’s so exciting, because that means grounding is not just helping one specific organ system but instead it’s impacting how you feel and function as a whole. The classic example is how our gut interplays with our hormones. Conventional medicine is just starting to realize how gut inflammation and what we eat affects many […]

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Light Therapy Quickly Improves Libido

    Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so today’s medical study reveals a simple tip for boosting libido! Woot!   New research (presented at the 29th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress on September 19, 2016) shows that the same light therapy recommendation to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can significantly improve sexual satisfaction in people with low desire after only 2 weeks of treatment! While this study was on men, because light therapy is incredibly effective for females too, I truly believe that this would work for women with low sex drive and should be first line therapy for anyone with

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