
Thoughts On Health: My Aura, Your Aura, Our Aura… it’s a colorful world out there!!!!

I had the great fortune of having my aura photographed recently, and I loved the experience so much I wanted to share it with you here. If you live anywhere in the Charleston area, I’ve got the perfect activity for you to check out. A very dear friend of mine took me to see Chris Terzagian, of Beaming Love. Chris can photograph your aura and give you the run down on what the colors represent, the strength of your aura, and a printout of all the different components captured in your aura at that particular time.   It’s a really […]

Thoughts On Health: My Aura, Your Aura, Our Aura… it’s a colorful world out there!!!! Read More »

Photography Assignment, week 2

Here is the second week of pics I took in the awesome photography course I am taking… Vivienne McMaster’s 4 week self portrait beginner on-line photography class Wading In. If you want to see my first week assignment pics, I show them here. Okay, so this week was about showing snapshots of your day… she said to just snap what you do throughout the day… sticking a little portion of yourself into the shot.  I was taking pictures of my son one day and thought, what the heck… I started tickling him with my foot and this is the shot

Photography Assignment, week 2 Read More »