
Creativity = Health

In honor of the second chakra this week, I am sharing with you an article I once wrote for a feature on Art Snark’s blog many years ago. I still love it and it holds true! How The Simple Act Of Creating Must Create Physical Health I took the scenic route in becoming an artist. The really looooong way around. The kind of path that took me through medical school, residency, and a bit of clinical practice as a physician before I had children and realized my heartsong was to be a mommy and an artist. That kind of long […]

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Homemade skivvies

A few days ago, it was sunny enough for a *before* picture of a bunch of T-shirts I intended to do a little sewing on. And considering the title of this post, I bet you can figure out what I’ve made out of them… at least, if I’ve spelled skivvies right, and assuming it is a real word used by families other then ours. Today the world descended into a gray, dismal downpour, and an hour of sewing is just what I needed to feel like I got something uplifting done today. Because since nothing is as uplifting as putting

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