There are so many wonderful reasons to connect with Mother Earth — today I’d like to focus on female health since we are heading into Mother’s Day weekend. Grounding is one of my favorite recommendations to treat a variety of female health issues as well as protect future wellness.
Today I wanted to run through my favorite 7 reasons I love grounding for women… just a quick overview for you along with lots of resources to dive deeper into any topic that calls to you. Please share this list with the women in your life that you love.
Encourage them to touch the earth directly — it’s waiting out there to boost our health in a myriad of ways:
1. Protects Hormone Balance
When women are under chronic stress, the precursors that normally go into sex hormone production (DHEA, estrogen, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, etc…) are stollen to make cortisol. After one stressful day, this would not make a difference to our hormone balance, but day after stressful day, month after stressful month, and year after stressful year, it’s enough to put us not only into adrenal failure but worsen PMS symptoms, decrease fertility, and even hasten menopause.
Grounding helps reverse this. In this study, published in 2004 in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, subjects who slept grounded had a complete normalization of their cortisol patterns, suggesting deep recovery from stress. By lowering cortisol, decreasing stress, and naturally balancing hormones, many women find that their PMS symptoms are lessened, fertility is boosted, and perimenopause becomes a much easier, more natural transition.
Grounding is so helpful it may even boost your sex life — you can read more about that in this article here:
What else can you do besides grounding daily to help balance hormones and feel better? I’ve written two free ebooks for you on this topic, read one or read them both, and share widely:
You can also take Maca Root as well as try bioidentical hormones — I just started these right around my 50th birthday and have found them incredibly helpful. The one’s I take and recommend are available in my online dispensary waiting for you in the Female Health category.
2. Gives a Metabolic Boost
Touching the earth directly boost your vagal tone immediately — this releases you from the autonomic nervous system’s overdrive of fight or flight and allows you to get into the parasympathetic healing zone of rest and digest. When your vagal tone gets a boost, your entire digestive track works better — from salivary glands to gall bladder to colon and everything in between, even better gut peristalsis!
In the blog post below, I talk all about the healing power of grounding to boost digestion, decrease gut inflammation, allow your body to utilize the food you consume better, react to it less, and even over time protect your thyroid function. In fact, medical studies show that grounding does indeed boost thyroid function, as well as stabilized blood sugar levels. Hop over here to read it:
Not only does grounding help you digest your food better, boost your thyroid function, and give you metabolic support, it also helps you lose weight naturally. I talk about this more for you in this article:
3. Reduces Muscle Pain and Tension
Grounding immediately reduces muscle tension — near instantaneously.
As I talk about in this blog post below, your entire skeleton and all your muscles — as well as the connective tissues that hold all your organs and soft tissues in place — is a conductive conduit for healing is the basis for how and why grounding works:
When you touch the earth outside, your entire body is instantaneously grounded precisely because your entire musculoskeletal system is conductive — think of it as a conductive fiberoptic system that runs grounding instantly throughout your entire body, as easy as flipping a switch.
This means that grounding can have an immediate impact on decreasing muscle tension and reducing pain, which so many women have. From the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, to preventing that annoying tension headache, to decreasing pain from cramping, grounding is my front line treatment for pain.
The article and video on this free blog post below will also help go further, explaining why grounding can help reduce chronic pain in ways that other pain therapies do not:
4. Decreases Inflammation
Inflammation is an insidious condition that we often can not even feel until there is frank disease. High levels of inflammation in the body can contribute to depression, to dementia, even cancer. But grounding can help.
In a study published in 2009 in The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, researchers found that grounded subjects had statistically significant decreases in blood markers of inflammation, as well as lowered white blood cell counts, neutrophils and lymphocytes, compared to non-grounded subjects.
In addition, decreases in inflammation as a result of grounding are well documented using medical thermography imaging in this study. You can hop over here to read a great overview of how grounding decreases whole body inflammation in this article, published June 2014 in the Journal of Inflammation Research.
Decreasing inflammation can do everything from decreasing your chances of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome to decreasing cancer risk. It also boosts mood and decreases dementia risk. That’s win-win-win-win for women everywhere.
5. Strengthens Our Bones
As I talk about in this article below, grounding is bone protective. One medical study found that after only one session of grounding, renal excretion of both calcium and phosphorous went down significantly, which means the primary indicators of osteopenia and osteoporosis in these patients decreased after just a single night of grounding.
This is incredible… after just one night, instead of their body having to go in and pull minerals out of their bones in order to repair the inflammation of the day and to correct the pH, the minerals remained in the bones preserving their strength. And so, over time and over a lifetime, instead of leaching away your bones and creating brittle bones, grounding is naturally helping to maintain the integrity of your entire skeletal system. For a nation whose women have epidemic proportions of osteopenia and osteoporosis, grounding is absolutely crucial for females.
What else can you do to protect bone strength?
Read this article for more on why I highly recommend filtering your tap water to remove fluoride, because even the minuscule amounts of fluoride added to the public water supply accumulates in bone. It is estimated about 50% of the fluoride we consume is eliminated, and 50% is stored in our body, mostly in our bones. So miniscule amounts of fluoride adding to our bodies sip after sip after sip equals a not-so-minimal exposure. Over a lifetime, these levels can reach high proportions… decreasing bone density and causing brittleness.
6. Boosts Skin Health
The moment you touch the earth, your circulation starts to improve. Published 2014 in the Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, researchers showed that grounding through the soles of the feet boosted blood circulation all the way up in facial skin tissues, suggesting the positive effects of increased circulation are available even in distant sites of the body that are far away from the grounding point of contact.
In other words, you don’t have to touch the earth with your face in order to brighten your complexion and boost skin circulation, just standing barefoot or touching the earth with a fingertip will do. Following that study, another study, a double blind placebo study published August 2015 in Health, showed clear evidence of dramatically boosted circulation throughout the body after only one hour of grounding.
If you want more info on how grounding is anti-aging, you may enjoy this blog post here:
Here is another great article on anti-aging and skin health, where I include grounding in my list of Must-Do’s for healthy skin at every age:
What else can you do besides grounding to boost skin health? Listen to my podcast right here where I tell you about a very interesting recent medical study that suggests beauty sleep is a real thing!
7. Boosts Creativity
While medical studies show you why grounding is so healing for the human body, I want you to know that it’s not just your physical body that is being supported. It’s your mind frame, your soul energy, your Spirit.
Just as we have now shown that being disconnected causes everything from depression to inflammation to accelerated aging (collectively now called Nature Deficit Disorder) the re-establishment of grounding your body to support your health will have ramifications that go well beyond any single parameter or indicator of physical health.
You feel better.
You feel supported.
You feel creative.
You feel inspired.
You feel stronger.
You feel more motivated.
You feel more loving.
You feel more loved.
You become open to your soul energy flowing deeply, and meeting your body at it’s core, deep in your heart center.
You become the perfect balance of a physical body that is supported and healthy while being an open vessel holding the most vibrant state of your soul’s energy flowing through your body and resonating out from your core.
When you are in that specific union of your unique physical body that nobody else has, combined with your unique soul energy that nobody else has, coming together and being totally supported by the healing energy flow of the earth… that is your optimal state of Well Being.
You can offer twice as much of yourself to the world when you feel your well being optimized the way a plant would grow twice as tall because it is grounded and supported by the earth’s energy.
And that’s really the whole point of being alive.
So that you can offer to the world what you are here to offer.
And you can live the unique meaningful life that you are meant to live.
You can go out and radiate twice as much creativity, twice as much goodness, twice as much connection with others, twice as much love to offer, and make twice the impact on this world… and more.
So ultimately, grounding is not just about your hormonal balance or your skin circulation or your bone strength.
Grounding is about finding a center that is so deep and so pure and so strong that you can truly be the best you possible.
Optimizing all of these other things… cardiac function, sleep, hormones, adrenals, bones, thyroid, insulin, etc… so that just like plants in grounding studies that grow twice as tall when they are grounded, you can feel twice as vibrant, and twice as open to why you are here and what do you want to express while you are here in this lifetime.
That is what I have witnessed and experienced over and over and over again both personally and as a medical physician with my patients.
Most people start their grounding journey because they need an answer that offers more support than any one single medication or operation or vitamin or exercise can offer. Most people have found that conventional medicine has not been sufficient to correct the physical ailments the disconnect from the earth has caused.
And most people find that when they reconnect, it’s not just the physical ailments that improve.
It’s the body but it is also the energy level and it’s the mind-frame and it’s the sense of meaningful purpose and it’s the heart that heals as well. So my goal is to be sure you do not limit your expectations in any way when you begin your grounding journey. Allow your entire body, mind, heart and spirit to be transformed.
Allow the supportive energy of Mother Earth to fill you up, open you up, support you in becoming the optimized best version of you that is possible.
The future for grounding is limitless as connecting directly to the earth outside is the birthright of all living things. There are very very few circumstances where one would not be able to connect outside and receive that healing flow if only we would remember that it is natural for us to do so. Even urban dwellers can get connected by standing barefoot in a park or on a concrete sidewalk. Even prisoners in most prisons have access to the outdoors, even if it is concrete, for at least a short period of time each day.
I have patients who live several stories off of the ground who hold onto a tree branch that reaches into their balcony and this is how they ground each afternoon. I have patients who have a cement basement and stand barefoot on this cement while they fold laundry, and this is how they ground each night.
And for those who are bed ridden, there are even indoor ways to connect directly to the earth even lying comfortably on our beds as we lay tucked in tight using either a grounding rod or a grounded outlet in your home. Grounding while indoors lets you stay in that healthy, connected healing zone for much longer than only grabbing a few minutes outside when you can. I have medical grade, eco-ethically hand crafted, organic and non-toxic indoor grounding tools — like organic grounding mats, grounding wristbands and even grounding bed toppers — waiting for you to explore right over here.
Taking action, trying it for yourself, taking a few minutes to put a bare foot onto the earth outside, taking the time to ground indoors as much as possible with indoor grounding tools, can do more to inform you about the healing potential of grounding your body than any amount of words I can write.
Luckily, grounding is the easiest, most readily available healing modality possible.
The only thing you need to do is give it a try, and allow the earth’s energy to uplift, transform and optimize your well being naturally.
The earth is out there, waiting for you.
xoxoxo, Laura
P.S. For more information on developing a grounding routine that protects your long term health, I’ve got you. I spent an entire year writing a book for you… it’s called The Earth Prescription and it’s available in print, Kindle, and Audible right here.