I’m so excited to share this medical study with you today… very rarely does one simple study make such and immediate and profound impact on my wellness like this one today did.
Don’t just skim through this and discount it — give yourself 12 minutes today to silence your mind in the easiest, most effective way ever. And by doing so, you will measurably increase the blood flow to your brain in areas that are critical for cognition and emotional regulation… in fact, this one technique has been previously shown to decrease anxiety and depression while improving sleep.
But now you can add to that impressive list: reduces dementia risk.
Researchers, investigating ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, found that this simple 12 minute mediative practice (Kirtan Kriya — more on this below) was effective in reducing multiple risk factors for Alzheimers disease.
The results were published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease this past May, 2021, (and I love that one of the authors is a physician from the same medical school I went to as well — Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA.)
They found that when study subjects practiced Kirtan Kriya, they had enhanced blood flow to crucial areas of the brain — areas that experience decreased blood flow and the build up of tau proteins in Alzheimers disease.
The cool thing?
This improved blood flow to the brain happened during one single session of Kirtan Kriya.
Over the eight weeks that researchers followed and imaged the subject’s brain perfusion, the benefits accrued and because even more significant.
So guys, if you literally just try this once today, your brain will get more blood flow, more oxygen, more nutrients, and make a measurable change in your brain’s perfusion right now… even if you never do it again.
But I am pretty sure, that if you are anything like me, better than even the improved blood flow is the freedom from mental garbage that is constantly running through my mind. After just one session I could literally feel my energy expand, relax, release.
When the Kirtan Kriya session is finished, I feel completely reset.
What is Kirtan Kriya? It’s one of the easiest ways to meditate. As I admit in my blog post here, meditation is very hard for me and I often simply focus on taking 3 deep breaths, which is about all my attention span will allow:
Reduce Your Overwhelm in 3 Breaths
But after reading today’s study, I looked up a simple YouTube video that I could follow along to for the entire 12 minute meditative practice, and it changed the course of my entire day.
All you do is sit with eyes closed, tapping your fingers and repeating a very simple mantra. After a few minutes, the mantra is whispered instead of spoken. After a few more minutes, the mantra is thought but not spoken aloud at all. Then this reverses… the mantra is whispered again, then spoken, all while tapping your fingers. That’s it.
Sound simple? Good. It is. Just follow along to the video below, tapping your fingers and repeating the mantra. That’s all there is to it.
Let’s go:
Watch this guided meditation of Kirtan Kriya on YouTube right here.
Feeling better?
Me too. It only takes one time, today, to start to reap the benefits of Kirtan Kriya to support your brain health.
If after one single session you feel better from head-to-toe, like I did… then turn back to this practice often, and the benefits to your brain will continue to accrue.
Want more advice on how to support brain health? I’ve got you:
- One Simple Thing You Can Do To Protect Your Brain Throughout Your Lifetime
- To Stay Young, Stay Curious (& Dozens Of Other Ways To Protect Your Brain)
- The Pentagon Already Knows That EMFs Are Impacting Brain Function… Here’s Why
- Your Brain On Mother Earth
- When You Are Doing Something Meaningful, Your Brain Works Better
- Grounding Instantly Helps Your Brain, Mood, and Sleep
- Sauna To Protect Your Brain
- Your Gut And Brain Are Connected (Duh!)
- A Supplement So Good For The Brain It Can Prevent Psychosis
- Your 2022 Healing Mantra, Say It With Me
Want more advice on how to naturally protect your brain from stress and trauma?
I’ve got you there too:
Trauma Recovery & Resilience Class
Trauma acts like a forgein body impaled in the brain. It is literally a physical injury. You can’t wish it away or ignore it away. Time won’t heal it. We have to rehabilitate with this forgein body in place, and find new ways to function, new ways to identify with who we are after trauma, and a new equilibrium.
It can feel scary and overwhelming and when time passes and nothing heals, it can feel hopeless.
But it doesn’t have to. You just need to be walked through exactly how to rehabilitate that precious brain of yours so that you acclimate to your new normal, and feel whole again.
I’m holding out my hand to you to help lead you through it. I am teaching my trauma healing class in just two weeks, and I would love to have you join in. It has sold out every single time I have run it, so I highly recommend you reserve your spot right now.
No matter what you have gone through, you absolutely do have the ability to rebound from from it and create a new normal and a new health set point. Your body naturally want’s to trend back to full and complete wellness… mind, body and spirit. I’ll give you the tools to get there.
Find out more information and save your spot in this by-reservation-only course by clicking right here today.
Moving onwards and upwards with you…
xoxoxo, Laura