For those who offer services in the healthcare and wellness industry, adding grounding to your normal services offers an entirely new dimension of support to your clients, customers and patients — and it’s a positive outcome they can immediately feel!
If you have ever felt the relief of grounding first hand, then you already know how instantly supportive it can be and how resilient it helps your body feel. Literally helping to center you no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how stressed out you feel, even in the midst of a panic attack, the earth is waiting out there to center and support you.
And you can add that instant health boost from grounding on top of any other healing modality you already enjoy (or professionally offer!) including massage, chiropractic, physical therapy, reiki, counselling, coaching, cognitive behavioral therapy, even cosmetic procedures such as facials and other skin services.
Immediately upon being grounded, your customer will be better prepared to receive the healing benefits of any of the services they are used to getting from you — and will walk away feeling boosted results. There is a huge difference between therapeutic massage and grounded therapeutic massage, for example. A huge difference between an exfoliating facial and a grounded exfoliating facial. A huge difference between physical therapy and grounded physical therapy… and on and on.
Within seconds of being grounded, muscle tension decreases and their body becomes more receptive to any healing therapy you are preforming.
Within seconds of being grounded, their brain waves automatically switch into a calmer, more receptive state, helping them with shifting their mind-frame and thought patterns more easily.
Within seconds of being grounded, their body enjoys an immediate vagal tone boost — breaking them free from fight-or-flight mode and dropping into rest and digest healing.
In this grounded state, any work you do becomes deeper:
- if it is mental or psychological work like counseling, talk therapy, CBT, life coaching, etc… their grounded brain is in the healing zone of alpha brain wave patterns, allowing them to embrace new cognitive patterns more easily
- if it is bodywork like massage therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic work, reflexology, etc… their grounded muscles are immediately less resistant to deep physical release, as well as less sore afterwards
- if it is energetic work like reiki, qigong, hypnotherapy or other healing modalities, their grounded central nervous system is more open to flowing and optimizing energy states
- if it is cosmetic work like facials, lash and brow services, pedicures, nail services or other cosmetological procedures, their skin and nail beds have improved blood flow, improved oxygenation and nutrient exchange, so their skin has a boosted internal glow and even heals more quickly.
Getting the body and mind into a receptive healing state is one of the hallmarks of grounding.
In this video, I walk you through why offering to add grounding to your therapeutic services is the easiest thing you can do to powerfully expand your healing offerings to your customers — it’s a difference they will see, feel, and experience for themselves!
Adding Grounding To Your Health Services
To help you ground your clients and customers quickly and easily, I’ve created a Grounding ProPack for your professional use… these are sterile, medical grade body grounding pads — the same grounding pad used in hospitals to reliably ground patients during surgical procedures.
The Grounding ProPack is a great, hygienic, cost effective way to offer to up level your services (and make a boosted income from) adding on grounding to any treatment you are already doing.
This can also encourage a customer or client to continue the grounding journey at home (so if you are an affiliate who offers my eco-ethical grounding tools to your clients this is a great way for them to try out grounding to see how it works!)
These grounding body pads can be individually applied during your healing session and then disposed of for each client, maintaining strict hygienic standards. Kits are available with both a standard ground cord or the PureGround EMF Filtering Ground Cord (find out more about the PureGround cord here).
You can then easily re-order bulk quantities of grounding pads alone, without cords, as a refill set.
A fabulous, low cost way to add the benefits of grounding to your services — not only will this help you stand out from local competitors who do not offer grounding, but it will truly improve your client’s and customer’s health:
Find Grounding ProPacks Right Here
Meanwhile, here is a quick reference guide on some of the health benefits that might specifically work in tandem with your unique healing services that you offer your customers, with direct links to medical studies, medical literature reviews, or articles I’ve written for you on these topics:
- Grounding Improves Wound Healing (medical literature review)
- DC Applied Energy & Wound Healing (medical study)
- Grounding And Skin Repair: The Power Of DC Energy (article)
- Grounding the Human Body Improves Facial Blood Flow (medical study)
Muscle Recovery:
- Grounding & Reduced Muscle Soreness Medical Study (medical study)
- Grounding Decreases Muscle Damage After Exercise (medical study)
- Grounding the Human Body during Yoga (medical study)
- Feel Immediate Relief With Grounding: Relax Your Muscles, Strengthen Your Bones (article)
Brain Health:
- Cerebrospinal Fluid and Brain Health: Optimized By Grounding (medical literature review)
- Neurological Pathways Supported By Grounding (medical literature review)
- The Effect of Grounding on Stress-Induced Neuroendocrine Changes (animal study)
- Classification of EEG Signal for Body Earthing Applications (medical study)
- Grounding To Support Brain Function (article)
Heart Health:
- Cardioprotection from the Schumann Resonance (medical study)
- Electrical Grounding Improves Vagal Tone in Preterm Infants (medical study)
- Grounding To Decrease High Blood Pressure (medical study)
- Grounding and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) (medical literature review)
- Grounding the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity (medical study)
- How Grounding Helps Protect Your Heart Function For A Lifetime (article)
Decreased Stress & Improved Mood:
- Emotional Stress and Grounding (medical study)
- The Effect of Grounding the Human Body on Mood (medical literature review)
- The Neuromodulative Role of Grounding (medical literature review)
- Why You Think More Clearly When You Spend Time Outside (article)
- How Grounding Boosts Your Mood + 10 Ways It Fits Into Your Day Today (article)
- How Grounding Protects Your Body From Trauma And Stress (article)
- A New Study Explains How Grounding Can Dramatically Boost Your Mood (article)
Boosted Metabolism:
- Metabolic Changes After Only 40 Minutes Of Grounding (medical study)
- Grounding To Boost Your Metabolism & Lose Weight (article)
- Grounding While You Eat, A Game Changer For Your Digestion (article)
Decreased Inflammation & Overall Improved Health:
- Grounding, The Universal Anti-Inflammatory (medical literature review)
- Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Strategies Should Include Earthing (medical literature review)
- Electric Nutrition: The Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (medical literature review)
- One-Hour Of Grounding Improves Inflammation and Blood Flow (medical study)
- The Effects of Grounding on Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases (medical literature review)
- Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons (medical literature review)
- The Healing Power Of Grounded Touch (article)
- Why Grounding Works, No Matter Where You Live In The World (article)
- The Real Reason Grounding Works: The Healing Power of the Earth, Finally Explained (article)
Feel free to share these healing resources with other health and wellness practitioners that you know! If someone forwarded you this article, you can sign up to receive my uplifting weekly newsletter into your inbox right here:
Enjoy offering this unique healing boost and doubling the variety of services you offer, instantly!
Laura Koniver MD