
If You Have Pain, Here Is Relief

  Today I have a video for you, addressing PAIN RELIEF.   Chronic pain, acute pain, soreness, tension, fibromyalgia, headaches, back pain… …if you have pain, you absolutely need to understand the message behind pain and why you are feeling it.   In this video, I’ll explain to you what I have explained to hundreds of other patients experiencing pain… often this one concept changes EVERYTHING about the healing process and is enough to catalyze a healing resolution. Not only will I tell you about the nature of pain and the energetic message behind pain, I’ll list for you several […]

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How To Connect With Abundance: Financial And Creative FLOW!

    Feeling the flow of energy through your second chakra …your Sacral Chakra… is ***THE KEY*** to feeling abundant at all times. Not just abundance flowing out of you creatively in your career and in your personal life, but coming full circle to you in receiving mode so that abundance can shower blessing back upon you as well.   If any part of your abundance loop is missing: if you are feeling less playful, or noticing less laughter in your life lately if you feel a drought in your creativity or less inspiration radiating out of you or… if

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